Hubbaduck / concourse_ci_AWS

This deploys one concourse web server and one additional worker node in a custom VPC on AWS using a Terraform script. Both servers are configured with an Ansible script. Nginx reverse_proxy is used for upgrading http to https.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Launch concourse server on AWS using Terraform and Ansible

  • First deploy the AWS infrastructure using Terraform
  • Next install the needed packages using Ansible

Install Terraform from HashiCop on host machine

Install Python, Python-pip and AWS-CLI

  • Make sure to export your terraform instalation to your PATH
  • Use "aws configure" to set enviroment defaults

terraform.tvars file

Set deplyoment defaults:

  • Region
  • Key
  • Key path
  • Instance class
  • AMI's
  • DB users


  • You will be prompted for AWS user and localip_cidr at deployment.

SSH into instances:

  • Use command ssh -i ~/.ssh/keyname ec2-user@instance_ip

Useful commands:

  • terraform plan (will generate a list of resoruces to be created in AWS)
  • terraform apply (will deploy resources, or apply modifications)
  • terraform destroy (will destroy all resoruces and create final snapshot of DB)

Dependencies for Ansible install, python-pip

  • Run command: sudo easy_install pip

Install Ansible on host machine

Configure Ansible

  • Verify defaults in /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
  • Move /etc/ansible/hosts to /etc/ansible/hosts_default
  • Create new /etc/ansible/hosts file as in the sample_hosts file (insert server public ip, and path to private key genrated by Terraform for AWS)

Prep files for playbook

  • Edit ./ansible/scripts/concourse/ script (Add DB endpoint, UN, PW, domain)
  • Edit ./ansible/scripts/nginx/your_ci_server_domain.conf script (enter server domain, verify path to certificate, verify upstream)
  • Rename ./ansible/scripts/nginx/your_ci_server_domain.conf
  • Enter email and domain for cert in ./ansible/tasks/certbot.yml
  • Enter your project specifics in ./ansible/tasks/nginx_conf.yml

Run playbook

  • While in directory containing main.yml file, run command: ansible-playbook main.yml
  • This will install all concourse dependencies, and the concourse web & fly binairies


  • You should now have https access to the concourse server
  • Enter <your_ci_server_domain> into your browser and verify that http is upgraded to https


This deploys one concourse web server and one additional worker node in a custom VPC on AWS using a Terraform script. Both servers are configured with an Ansible script. Nginx reverse_proxy is used for upgrading http to https.


Language:HCL 78.1%Language:Shell 21.9%