HubTou / MinecraftRegionScanner

A Minecraft 1.7.10 (only) command line utility to analyze and edit region files

Repository from Github https://github.comHubTou/MinecraftRegionScannerRepository from Github https://github.comHubTou/MinecraftRegionScanner

⚠️ Due to Microsoft inept policy concerning Minecraft accounts I no longer have access to the game and thus won't maintain this software anymore

About Minecraft Region Scanner

A Minecraft 1.7.10 (only) command line utility to analyze and mass edit region files.

This utility fully supports the Lord of the Rings mod (LOTRmod) v35.3.


Just type "make" in a Unix-like computer.

You'll need a Java Compiler (I used Java 1.8) and a zip package.

Installation / Configuration / Usage

Please check the tool's wiki at

Versions and changelog

1.03 2019-08-11

- Show content of Mob Spawner tile entities (both vanilla and LOTR)
- Renamed options unknown to fixunknown and stacks to fixstacks
- Added detection and report of excessive number of entities in a single spot
- Added new option -e / --fixentities to fix excessive number of entities in a single spot

1.02 2019-08-09

- Provided our test bed in test/r.0.0.mca
- Updated Querz NBT library to 4.1
- Modified the Makefile to fetch and build external libraries
- Fixed a display bug causing negative stacks of items when there are more than 127
- Added new option -S / --stacks to fix stacks of more than 64 items

1.01 2019-08-06

- Fixed bug #1 (Tile entities for modified or deleted blocks are not removed)
- Added detection and report of invalid chunk locations

1.00 2019-07-18

Initial public release. Supports v34.3 to v35.2 of the Lord of the Rings mod (LOTRmod)


Developed with Java 1.8 (recompile if your server is running under a lower version) and tested only on Minecraft 1.7.10 / Forge

Limits & Known bugs

See the tool's wiki.

Further development plans

All the main functionalities are implemented.

There's a list of possible unimplemented functionalities on the tool's wiki.

However I have no plan to port this to newer Minecraft versions as I will only use it for the LOTR mod.


This open source software is distributed under a BSD license (see the "License" file for details).


The Java Archive (jar) file used for binary distribution bundles 2 external libraries:

The source code includes a snippet of code from lxknvlk ( found at to transliterate cyrillic to latin.

The project logo is derived from EditOrange ( "Chunk #1" picture.


Hubert Tournier

August 11, 2019


A Minecraft 1.7.10 (only) command line utility to analyze and edit region files

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Java 98.5%Language:Makefile 1.5%