HsiaoRay / OpenTraj

Trajectory Prediction Benchmark and State-of-the-art

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Trajectory Prediction Benchmark and State-of-the-art

Table of Public Available Trajectory Datasets

Sample Name #Trajs Coord FPS Density ******Description****** REF
ETH Peds=750 world 2.5 ? 2 top view scenes [website] [paper]
UCY Peds=786 world 2.5 ? 3 scenes (Zara/Arxiepiskopi/University). Zara and University close to top view. Arxiepiskopi more inclined. [website] paper
SDD Bikes=4210 Peds=5232 Skates=292 Carts=174 Cars=316 Buss=76 Total=10,300 image 30 ? 8 top view scenes [website] [paper]
GC Peds=12,684 image 25 ? 1 scene [dropbox] [paper]
Waymo ? ? website github
KITTI image(3d) +Calib 10 ? website
HERMES ? website
highD > 110,500 vehicles ? website
inD Vehicles= x Peds=x Bikes=x ? website
TRAF image 10 ? website gDrive
L-CAS ? website
VIRAT ? website
VRU peds=1068 Bikes=464 World (Meter) ? ? consists of pedestrian and cyclist trajectories, recorded at an urban intersection using cameras and LiDARs website
Edinburgh ? website
Town Center ? 1 scene website
ZTD Vehicles= x World (Degree) 10 ? ZEN Traffic Dataset: containing vehicle trajectories website

Other Datasets



1. ADE (Tobs, Tpred): Average Displacement Error (ADE), also called Mean Euclidean Distance (MED), measures the averages Euclidean distances between points of the predicted trajectory and the ground truth that have the same temporal distance from their respective start points. The function arguemnts are:

  • Tobs : observation period
  • Tpred : prediction period

2. FDE (Tobs, Tpred): Final Displacement Error (FDE) measures the distance between final predicted position and the ground truth position at the corresponding time point. The function arguemnts are:

  • Tobs : observation period
  • Tpred : prediction period

State-of-the-arts Trajectory Prediction Algorithms

1. ETH Dataset

Method Univ (ADE/FDE)* Hotel (ADE/FDE)*
Social-Force 1 0.67 / 1.52 0.52 / 1.03
Social-LSTM 2 1.09 / 2.35 0.79 / 1.76
Social-GAN REF 0.77 / 1.38 0.70 / 1.43
Social-Ways REF 0.39 / 0.64 0.39 / 0.66
Social-Attention REF ? ?
SoPhie REF ? ?
Social-Etiquette REF ? ?
ConstVel REF ? ?
Scene-LSTM REF ? ?
Peeking Into the Future REF ? ?
Social-BiGAT REF ? ?

* The values are in meter, calculated with ADE(Tobs=3.2s, Tpred=4.8s) and FDE(Tobs=3.2s, Tpred=4.8s).

2. UCY Dataset

Method ZARA01 (ADE/FDE) ZARA02 (ADE/FDE) Students (ADE/FDE)
Social-Force 1 ? ? ?
Social-Etiquette REF ? ? ?
Social-LSTM 2 ? ? ?
Social-GAN REF ? ? ?
Social-Attention REF ? ? ?
Scene-LSTM REF ? ? ?
ConstVel REF ? ? ?
SoPhie REF ? ? ?
Social-Ways REF ? ? ?
Peeking Into the Future REF ? ? ?
Social-BiGAT REF ? ? ?

3. Stanford Drone Dataset (SDD)

4. Grand Central Station (GC) Dataset



* ordered by time

  1. Who are you with and Where are you going? (Social Force), Yamaguchi et al. CVPR 2011. paper
  2. Social LSTM: Human trajectory prediction in crowded spaces, Alahi et al. CVPR 2016. paepr
  3. Learning social etiquette: Human trajectory understanding in crowded scenes, Robicquet et al. ECCV 2016. paper
  • Desire: Distant future prediction in dynamic scenes with interacting agents, Lee et al. CVPR 2017. paper
  1. Social GAN: Socially Acceptable Trajectories with Generative Adversarial Networks, Gupta et al. CVPR 2018. paper
  2. Social Ways: Learning Multi-Modal Distributions of Pedestrian Trajectories with GANs, Amirian et al. CVPR 2019. paper, code


  1. A survey on motion prediction and risk assessment for intelligent vehicles, ROBOMECH 2014. paper
  2. Trajectory data mining: an overview, TIST 2015. paper
  3. Survey on Vision-Based Path Prediction, DAPI 2018. arxiv
  4. A literature review on the prediction of pedestrian behavior in urban scenarios, ITSC 2018. paper
  5. Autonomous vehicles that interact with pedestrians: A survey of theory and practice, ITS 2019. arxiv
  6. Human Motion Trajectory Prediction: A Survey, IJRR 2019 arxiv
  7. A Survey on Path Prediction Techniques for Vulnerable Road Users: From Traditional to Deep-Learning Approaches, ITSC 2019. paper


Trajectory Prediction Benchmark and State-of-the-art


Language:Python 100.0%