Hotzkow / docker-BeakerX

sources to create a docker image for the Jupyter Notebook framework Beakerx

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docker Image for Jupyter - BeakerX

This image includes ready to use jupyter kernels for the most common programming languages, i.e. Python, Groovy, Java, Scala, Clojure, SQL, Kotlin.

Build the image Locally

FIXME: There seams to be a permission issue, preventing Mac OS to successfully build this image (i.e. the beakerx build fails with an permission error). Windows works fine and Linux is untested so far.

docker build -t jupyter .

Run a container

docker run arguments:

  • -p: to specify port forwarding for the container, you have to expose the container port 8888 to open any notebooks in your hosts browser; e.g. -p 8886:8888 allows you to open jupyter in your host browser at url localhost:8886
    If you want to restrict the port exposure to your local machine (instead of all network interfaces) you should use -p
  • -it: to start the container in interactive mode
  • --rm: to delete the container as soon as it is stopped

External notebook directories should be mounted to the containers mountpoint /home/jupyter/workspace/notebooks.
For example to mount the directory ./notebooks from the host into the container:

-v ${PWD}/notebooks:/home/jupyter/workspace/notebooks

Example how to start a container:

Precondition: the directory ./notebooks is configured as shared in the docker settings

Windows Powershell:

docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v ${PWD}/notebooks:/home/jupyter/workspace/notebooks jh00/jupyter:latest

Mac OS Terminal:

docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v "$PWD"/notebooks:/home/jupyter/workspace/notebooks jh00/jupyter:latest

(for bash script file it is probably $(pwd))


If the notebook is already running but you need to get the token later on you can use jupyter notebook list to output the link again

we can download and upload files directly to the google cloud within jupyter following this guide

* upload the client_id.json file to your Jupyter notebook/lab folder
* use a Python 3 notebook to execute the GoogleDrive authentification
* open [] and add Google Drive API credentials: Google Drive API, Other UI (e.g. Windows, CLI tool), User data
* create OAuth 2 client_id and download the file
* then go to OAuth consent screen page and add the scope as required (ie. google drive read only or other priviledges)
* use the provided python 3 code to authenticate the client -> a file token.json is created on success


  • pushing an image to dockerhub

     docker login
     docker tag $localBuildImageName $dockerUsername/$newRepoName:v1.0
     docker push $dockerUsername/$newRepoName:v1.0
  • changing vim colors for dark terminal backgrounds: :set background=dark


sources to create a docker image for the Jupyter Notebook framework Beakerx


Language:Dockerfile 79.3%Language:Python 11.3%Language:Shell 9.4%