HornHehhf / Equi-Separation

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Equi-Separation Law

This is the code repository for the PNAS paper A Law of Data Separation in Deep Learning. If you use this code for your work, please cite

  title={A law of data separation in deep learning},
  author={He, Hangfeng and Su, Weijie J},
  journal={Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
  publisher={National Acad Sciences}

Installing Dependencies

Use virtual environment tools (e.g miniconda) to install packages and run experiments
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Code Organization

  • Utilities (utils.py)
  • Data preprocessing (data.py, imbalanced_data.py)
  • Model utilities (models.py, train_models.py)
  • Representations (variance_analysis.py, representation_analysis.py)
  • Terminal analysis (representation_dynamics_terminal.py, representation_dynamics_terminal_*.py)
  • Optimization scripts (run_optimization.sh, run_optimization_*.sh)
  • Experiments scripts (run_experiments.sh)

Change the Dir Path

Change the /path/to/working/dir to your working directory

Reproducing experiments

You need to save the data before you run the experiments (the config in data.py and imbalanced_data.py can be changed for your purpose)

python data.py data=cm
python data.py data=cfm
python data.py data=cc
python data.py data=fashion_mnist
python data.py data=cifar10
python imbalanced_data.py data=cfm

To reproduce the main experiments

sh run_experiments.sh

Note that there are too many experiments in run_experiments.sh, so please run it by keeping some part and commenting the remaining part

You can also choose to reproduce specific experiments, e.g., Figure 1 in the paper

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 nohup python representation_dynamics_terminal.py data=cfm model=GFNN layer_num=2 hidden_size=100 measure=within_variance optimization=sgd lr=0.3 > logs/cfm_GFNN_2_100_sgd_within_0.3_terminal.log 2>&1 &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 nohup python representation_dynamics_terminal.py data=cfm model=GFNN layer_num=6 hidden_size=100 measure=within_variance optimization=sgd lr=0.03 > logs/cfm_GFNN_6_100_sgd_within_0.03_terminal.log 2>&1 &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 nohup python representation_dynamics_terminal.py data=cfm model=GFNN layer_num=18 hidden_size=100 measure=within_variance optimization=sgd lr=0.01 > logs/cfm_GFNN_18_100_sgd_within_0.01_terminal.log 2>&1 &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 nohup python representation_dynamics_terminal.py data=cfm model=GFNN layer_num=2 hidden_size=100 measure=within_variance optimization=momentum lr=0.3 > logs/cfm_GFNN_2_100_momentum_within_0.3_terminal.log 2>&1 &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 nohup python representation_dynamics_terminal.py data=cfm model=GFNN layer_num=6 hidden_size=100 measure=within_variance optimization=momentum lr=0.01 > logs/cfm_GFNN_6_100_momentum_within_0.01_terminal.log 2>&1 &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=4 nohup python representation_dynamics_terminal.py data=cfm model=GFNN layer_num=18 hidden_size=100 measure=within_variance optimization=momentum lr=0.001 > logs/cfm_GFNN_18_100_momentum_within_0.001_terminal.log 2>&1 &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=5 nohup python representation_dynamics_terminal.py data=cfm model=GFNN layer_num=2 hidden_size=100 measure=within_variance optimization=adam lr=3e-3 > logs/cfm_GFNN_2_100_adam_within_3e-3_terminal.log 2>&1 &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=6 nohup python representation_dynamics_terminal.py data=cfm model=GFNN layer_num=6 hidden_size=100 measure=within_variance optimization=adam lr=1e-3 > logs/cfm_GFNN_6_100_adam_within_1e-3_terminal.log 2>&1 &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=7 nohup python representation_dynamics_terminal.py data=cfm model=GFNN layer_num=18 hidden_size=100 measure=within_variance optimization=adam lr=3e-4 > logs/cfm_GFNN_18_100_adam_within_3e-4_terminal.log 2>&1 &

More experiments

Equi-separation law also exists in feedforward neural networks (width=1000) with different depths on original images: Fashion-MNIST (32, 32) and CIFAR-10 (3, 32, 32)

  • Fashion-MNIST (figures/OriginalSize/fashion_mnist*png)
  • CIFAR-10 (figures/OriginalSize/cifar10*png)

Equi-separation law does not exist in feedforward neural networks without batch normalization: figures/NoBN/*png

Equi-separation law does not exist in linearized neural networks (without nonlinear activation function): figures/Linearized/*png



Language:Python 82.7%Language:Shell 17.3%