Horizon-LEAD / udr-2-evco2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Translates the data retrieved from the UDR model into the format accepted by the EVCO2 model.


The requirements.txt and Pipenv files are provided for the setup of an environment where the module can be installed. The package includes a setup.py file and it can be therefore installed with a pip install . when we are at the same working directory as the setup.py file. For testing purposes, one can also install the package in editable mode pip install -e ..

After the install is completed, an executable udr-2-evco2 will be available to the user.

Furthermore, a Dockerfile is provided so that the user can package the model.

To build the image the following command must be issued from the project's root directory:

docker build -t udr-2-evco2:latest .


The executable's help message provides information on the parameters that are needed.

$ udr-2-evco2 -h
usage: udr-2-evco2 [-h] udr_output vehicle_type_flag out_dir


Translates the data retrieved from the UDR model into the format accepted by the EVCO2 model.

positional arguments:
  udr_output         The path of the UDR output (xlxs)
  vehicle_type_flag  if vehicle type flag == 1 for fleet of electric motorbikes,
                     otherwise we have fleet of electric VANs
  out_dir            The output directory

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit

If the package installation has been omitted, the model can of course also be run with python -m src.udr2evco2.__main__ <args>


udr-2-evco2 \
    sample-data/input/udr_output.xlsx \
    1 \
docker run --rm \
    -v ./sample-data:/data \
    registry.gitlab.com/inlecom/lead/models/udr-2-evco2:latest \
    /data/input/udr_output.xlsx \
    1 \



Language:Python 92.4%Language:Dockerfile 7.6%