HolyChen / NURBS-Python_Examples

Examples for the NURBS-Python package

Home Page:https://github.com/orbingol/NURBS-Python

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Examples for NURBS-Python Package

This repository contains API demonstration scripts for the NURBS-Python package.

Directory Structure

  • curve2d/ contains 2D curve examples
  • curve3d/ contains 3D curve examples
  • surface/ contains surface examples
  • grid/ contains examples for surface grid generator
  • visualization/ contains visualization examples. Please see NURBS-Python documentation for details.
  • bezier/ contains Bezier curve and surface examples
  • shapes/ contains examples demonstrating geomdl.shapes component
  • exchange/ contains examples demonstrating geomdl.exchange module
  • compat/ contains examples which utilize geomdl.compatibility module for data conversion

Input Files

*.cpt and *.cptw files are simple text files. They contain control points and weighted control points, respectively. Please see the NURBS-Python documentation for details on the input file formats.


All examples in this repository uses Matplotlib visualization implementation, the VisMPL module.

VisMPL module is designed to be a representative class for future visualization extensions therefore, it might not be a perfect fit for advanced visualization purposes. More advanced visualization options and some example figures with the instructions on how to generate them can be found under visualization/ directory.

All the examples should work fine with the latest version of NURBS-Python, but they might or might not work with the older versions.

Installing NURBS-Python

NURBS-Python package is required to run all the examples in this repository. Please make sure that you have installed it properly before running any of these examples.

The easiest method to install NURBS-Python is using pip.

pip install NURBS-Python

If you would like to check if you have installed the package correctly, you may try to print geomdl.__version__ variable after the import. The following example illustrates installation check on a Windows PowerShell instance:

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\> python
Python 3.6.2 (v3.6.2:5fd33b5, Jul  8 2017, 04:57:36) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import geomdl
>>> geomdl.__version__

Please see the NURBS-Python documentation for more details.

Branch Information

  • master branch contains examples compatible with the latest version of NURBS-Python v3.x series.
  • 2.x branch contains examples compatible with the latest version of NURBS-Python v2.x series.

Please note that there could be small API variations between the beta and the stable versions of the NURBS-Python package.



I would like to thank all contributors for their help and support in testing, bug fixing and improvement of the NURBS-Python project.


NURBS-Python package and all example scripts are licensed under The MIT License.


I would like to thank my PhD adviser, Dr. Adarsh Krishnamurthy, for his guidance and supervision throughout the course of this project.


Examples for the NURBS-Python package


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%