Holmusk / holmusk.github.io

Blog for Tech Team

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Holmusk Tech Blog

MPL-2.0 license Build status

Blog for Holmusk Tech Team

How to build and run

  1. Build backend:
    stack build
  2. Run blog:
    stack run site rebuild
    stack run site watch
  3. Open localhost:8000

How to update and deploy this web page

The workflow is easy:

  1. Make sure that you are on the latest develop branch
  2. Create a new branch from develop, implement desired changes and open a pull request targetting develop branch
  3. Deploy the updated web page content with the following command:
    ./scripts/deploy.sh "Some meaningful message"

How to add a blog post

If you want to add a new post you should create a markdown file in the blog/ folder. The name of this file should contain the date of the post and some name. For example: 2018-11-05-cool-post.md.

In the .md file you should add next info in the following format:

title: Some really meaningful title that will appear at the page
author: Some cool person's name
github: That person's github account, if they have one
description: Some short description
tags: haskell, stack, cabal, build-tools, tutorial

Here comes the body of the post itself

Converting blogposts from various sources

Note: Please build and run to verify your changes locally before deploying.


You can use pandoc to do conversion:

pandoc <filename>.docx -o <filename>.md

Embedded images may be found by unzipping the document archive:

> unzip <filename>.docx -d /tmp/<filename>

> ls /tmp/<filename>
inflating: /tmp/pr/word/media/image1.png
inflating: /tmp/pr/word/media/image2.jpg
inflating: /tmp/pr/word/media/image3.jpg


You can export the blogpost as md. Navigate to blog post's page in Notion, click the ellipsis menu in the top-right corner and select 'Export'.


Blog for Tech Team

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:Haskell 35.1%Language:Sass 29.7%Language:HTML 28.7%Language:SCSS 4.8%Language:Shell 1.7%