HokieGeek / vim-tiddlywiki

TiddlyWiki syntax/file plugin - Forked and modified

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is a fork of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2705

For people who like the TiddlyWiki formatting syntax.


It has since been highly customized and updated.

This plugin provides syntax highlighting for tiddlywiki files (*.tid) as well as some helpers for editing TiddlyWiki files. It is probably best used in conjunction with TiddlyWiki Bob, since it is designed to smoothly handle tiddlers being changed both via TiddlyWiki as well as directly on the file system.


Provided Commands

  • TiddlyWikiUpdateMetadata : Update the 'modifier' and 'modified' fields in the current tiddler's metadata.
  • TiddlyWikiInitializeTemplate : Insert tiddler metadata (timestamps, creator / modifier / title) at the top of the file
  • TiddlyWikiEditTiddler <name> : Open the tiddler with that name (without '.tid' extension) or create it if it doesn't exist.
  • TiddlyWikiEditJournal : Open the journal tiddler for today or create it if it doesn't exist
  • TiddlyWikiOpenLink : Open the link under the cursor
  • TiddlyWikiInsertLink <name> : Insert a link to the given tiddler at the cursor position.

The ...Edit... and ...InsertLink commands look for tiddlers in the following locations (in that order):

  • If g:tiddlywiki_dir is set:
    • g:tiddlywiki_dir/
    • g:tiddlywiki_dir/tiddlers/
  • Otherwise:
    • ./
    • ./tiddlers/
    • ~/wiki/
    • ~/wiki/tiddlers/

The TiddlyWikiEditTiddler and TiddlyWikiInsertLink commands have completion for the tiddler name. In addition, if you call them without arguments and have fzf installed, you will get extra fancy completion.


The plugin contains a first user completion function that can be invoked in insert mode via <C-X><C-U>. It can complete WikiWords and bracket [[Links]] (as long as both leading brackets are there). It is still rather rudimentary, but should still make things a lot easier.

Default Mappings

nmap <Leader>tm :TiddlyWikiUpdateMetadata<Cr>
nmap <Leader>tt :TiddlyWikiInitializeTemplate<Cr>
nmap <Leader>te :TiddlyWikiEditTiddler<Space>
nmap <Leader>tE :vsplit<cr>:TiddlyWikiEditTiddler<Space>
nmap <Leader>tj :TiddlyWikiEditJournal<Cr>
nmap <Leader>tJ :vsplit<cr>:TiddlyWikiEditJournal<Cr>
nmap <Leader>to :TiddlyWikiOpenLink<Cr>
nmap <Leader>tl :TiddlyWikiInsertLink<Space>


" Explicitly set the username of the tiddler 'creator' and 'modifier'
" If not set, this defaults to `$USER` or `$LOGNAME` (in that order)
let g:tiddlywiki_author = 'thisisme'

" Specify the location of your tiddlers. The subdir "tiddlers" is appended 
" automatically if required.
let g:tiddlywiki_dir = '~/docs/notes/wiki'

" Set the date format to use for journal tiddlers, as in the format string of date(1).
" This does not have to be at 'day' granularity - you can also use 
" months / weeks / hours / whatever makes sense to you.
" Defaults to '%F' (ISO date = yyyy-mm-dd)
let g:tiddlywiki_journal_format = '%A, %F (Week %V)'

" Disable the default mappings
let g:tiddlywiki_no_mappings=1

" Automatically update tiddler metadata ('modified' timestamp, 'modifier' 
" username) on write
let g:tiddlywiki_autoupdate=1


TiddlyWiki syntax/file plugin - Forked and modified


Language:Vim Script 100.0%