HiveMindAutomation / BackupScript

AppleScript for Backup Restore of User Folders

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

# BackupScript
## An AppleScript Wrapper for an rSync to a Network Drive

<p>BackupScript has been created as a simple interface for L1 Helpdesk Staff to backup a Mac User Folder to a Network Location without needing to remember the syntax for an rsync command
<p> BackupScript includes an _exclude_ block to reduce downloading of Music, Movies, Photos folders

# Environment specific variables
These Variables **must** be modiifed before running in **your** environment

## Define protocol for Server connection.
### CIFS, AFP, and SMB should work here.
`set protocol to "smb://"`

## Variables for Location 1 (Main Campus)
`set location1Name to "Ridgeway"`
## Server Name/Address
`set location1Server to "casper"`

## Variables for Location 2 (Second Campus)
`set location2Name to "Plenty"`
## Server Name/Address
`set location2Server to "spooky"`

## Types of Accounts
`set userLabel1 to "Staff"`
`set userLabel2 to "Student"`

## Name of folders on Network Share for backups
`set label1Target to "staffback"`
`set label2Target to "stuback"`

## Folders to exclude from rsync - Folder names with spaces should be quoted with single quotes.
`set excludes to "Movies,Music,Pictures,Dropbox,'Google Drive', Parallels"`

## Display a warning to Users that they should connect to Ethernet - Optional
`display dialog "It is recommended that you connect the computer to Ethernet prior to running this tool. Backups over Wi-Fi will take an extremely long time in comparison" with icon caution`

## Packaging
<p>In my environment, This script gets exported from Script Editor as a run-only Application Bundle and then packaged into an installer using JAMF Composer. The installer places the .app bundle into /Applications/Utilities/


AppleScript for Backup Restore of User Folders