HitaloM / Spotify-Dogfood

The open-source ad-free version of Spotify for Android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Spotify Dogfood [DISCONTINUED]

The Spotify Dogfood mod provides an ad-free Spotify experience on Android devices. By Linuxct

Build Status GitHub release

Welcome to the repo of the Spotify Dogfood mod. Here you'll find each release's patches divided by branches, as well as binaries in the Releases.

Installation of a prebuilt version

Development setup

To apply the patchsets manually, you need the following tools:

Once you meet all of the above, it's as easy as it follows:

#unpack the apk
java -jar apktool_WhateverVersion.jar d NameOfTheApk.apk && cd NameOfTheApk
#now copy the patch file to the dir you're on
git apply --stat NameOfThePatch.path #checks the stats
git apply --check NameOfThePatch.path #sees if it's compatible with the environment
git apply NameOfThePatch.path #applies the patch
#compile the result
java -jar apktool_WhateverVersion.jar b NameOfTheDirectory
#sign with your key
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore /path/to/your/keystore NameOfTheDirectory/dist/NameOfTheResultingFile.apk YOURALIAS
#install the final apk
adb install -r NameOfTheDirectory/dist/NameOfTheResultingFile.apk

If you want to review the patch itself, you can use git-am. If you want to review the mod to the liborbit-jni file, check the wiki page.


LinuxCT – @linuxct – Telegram Group @spotifydogfoodrepoiamlinuxct@linuxct.info
Project webpageProject repoUpdater for Spotify


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/hitalosama/spotify-dogfood/fork)
  2. Create your branch (git checkout -b yourname/version)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin yourname/version)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


This repo, as well as the provided patches are just for demonstrative & educational purposes. They should not be used for illegal actions, and/or any action that can imply a violation in the ToS of the software used and mentioned in the repo. It is you, the final user, the one who takes the responsibility of using it wisely, as a functional PoC, and not for piracy or any other illegal actions.


The open-source ad-free version of Spotify for Android