Hisham-Pak / BillHub

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is the BillHub project.

Building and installing


You need to install some stuff

sudo apt-get install git clang libglfw3-dev libglew-dev

You will also need to install libharu to generate PDFs, follow instructions here.

You might also need to run sudo ldconfig to update the cache to find shared libraries.

Finally, run make and BillHub executable gets generated in bin directory.


This is a one time setup so do it carefully to avoid any errors.

Install mingw-w64

Watch how to install video.

Set up glew

  1. Download and extract glew release files
  2. Open cmd in source directory as administrator and then run the following (ignore any warnings in this step):
    gcc -DGLEW_NO_GLU -O2 -Wall -W -Iinclude -DGLEW_BUILD -o src/glew.o -c src/glew.c
    gcc -nostdlib -shared -Wl,-soname,libglew32.dll -Wl,--out-implib,lib/libglew32.dll.a -o lib/glew32.dll src/glew.o -L/mingw/lib -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -luser32 -lkernel32
    ar cr lib/libglew32.a src/glew.o
    gcc -DGLEW_NO_GLU -DGLEW_MX -O2 -Wall -W -Iinclude  -DGLEW_BUILD -o src/glew.mx.o -c src/glew.c
    gcc -nostdlib -shared -Wl,-soname,libglew32mx.dll -Wl,--out-implib,lib/libglew32mx.dll.a -o lib/glew32mx.dll src/glew.mx.o -L/mingw/lib -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -luser32 -lkernel32
    ar cr lib/libglew32mx.a src/glew.mx.o
    Some files are now generated in lib folder. Copy .dll files to C:\Windows\System32\ folder. Copy .a and .dll.a files to C:\mingw64\lib\ folder.
  3. Copy .\include\GL\ directory's all files to C:\mingw64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include\GL

Set up glfw

  1. Download these files libglfw3.a, glfw3.h and glfw3native.h. Then copy libglfw3.a to C:\mingw64\lib. Copy glfw3.h and glfw3native.h to C:\mingw64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include\GLFW (create GLFW directory if it does not exists). Or, alternatively you can compile these files on your own watching this video and then copying them to these directories.

Set up libharu

Download libharu to generate PDFs, follow steps given in glfw video but instead using libharu's source code to install it. Then, copy .dll file to C:\Windows\System32\ folder. Copy .dll.a file to C:\mingw64\lib\ folder and files in include folder to C:\mingw64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include\.

Finally, run mingw32-make (use powershell or cmd) in BillHub directory and BillHub.exe gets generated in bin directory.




Language:C 93.1%Language:Makefile 6.9%