HillalXD / Loan-eligible-prediction

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Loan eligible prediction

This project use to predict is Loan get approved or not based on applicant condition


This project requires Python and the following Python libraries installed:


first, you can clone this git repository

git clone https://github.com/HillalXD/Loan-eligible-prediction.git

then navigate your command to this directory

cd Loan-eligible-prediction

after that run streamlit-loan.py to use streamlit app

streamlit run streamlit-loan.py


  • Template code is provided in the loan.ipynb notebook file.
  • loan-dataset.csv is provide data source for training model
  • streamlit-loan.py is streamlit web application to user input features for model predicting loan approval

Dataset features

for doing prediction you need to input this features:

features explanation
gender user applicant gender
married is applicant has married or not
dependents is applicant has dependent or not
education is applicant has graduate or not
Applicant income total applicant income
loan amount total applying amount
property_area apllicant property type (rural, semiurban, urban)
credit_history 1 if good and 0 if bad history


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Jupyter Notebook 77.8%Language:Python 22.2%