HerrLeStrate / CVE-2022-44276-PoC

PoC for Responsive Filemanager < 9.12.0 bypass upload restrictions lead to RCE

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PoC for Responsive Filemanager < 9.12.0 bypass upload restrictions lead to RCE

Where's vuln?

When uploading new file we go through function fix_filename: https://github.com/trippo/ResponsiveFilemanager/blob/9a7411f3eab3b7d8e2c78dcf40b4325bde2c548d/filemanager/upload.php#L112

In this function we have function strip_tags which searches brackets and removes them: https://github.com/trippo/ResponsiveFilemanager/blob/9a7411f3eab3b7d8e2c78dcf40b4325bde2c548d/filemanager/include/utils.php#L581

So, we can send file with filename lick shell.php<.txt, which will be renamed to shell.php due to function strip_tags.

But, there's additional check of file type by it's content: https://github.com/trippo/ResponsiveFilemanager/blob/9a7411f3eab3b7d8e2c78dcf40b4325bde2c548d/filemanager/upload.php#L101

So, we cannot upload classic php shell <?php system($_GET['c']);?>. But, we can do a little trick: function get_extension_from_mime works based on first several chars of file. So, if we start our payload with several 'a' chars, it can be detected with txt type.

How to exploit

  1. Intercept upload request with burp suite
  2. Change filename to shell.php<.txt Pasted image 20230625121536
  3. go to url/source/shell.php?c=<your_command> Pasted image 20230625121700


PoC for Responsive Filemanager < 9.12.0 bypass upload restrictions lead to RCE