HenryBalassiano / Tik-Tok-Clone

A TikTok clone using the Reddit API

Repository from Github https://github.comHenryBalassiano/Tik-Tok-CloneRepository from Github https://github.comHenryBalassiano/Tik-Tok-Clone

What is it?

A clone of the popular app TikTok, using the Reddit API it gathers videos from popular funny subreddits.

How does it work?

Using the Intersection Observer API, it checks whether the video element is visible on the screen, and plays or pauses depending if it is or isn't on the viewport. Allowing for autoplay. There's also a debounce function making it so the application isn't requesting video data with every moment a new video is displayed in the viewport.

How do I use it?

The live link to the web app is here


A TikTok clone using the Reddit API


Language:JavaScript 45.6%Language:HTML 35.4%Language:CSS 19.0%