Hemesh-Unka / rps-challenge

MA Week 3 - Weekend Challenge: A web app built in Ruby to simulate the game of rock-paper-scissors :fist::raised_hand::v:

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RPS Challenge

Makers Academy - Weekend Challenge 3

Our third weekend challenge. We were tasked to build a small web application to simulate the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.


After having trouble completing last weeks challenge, I wanted to keep this application as simple as possible. That meant doing tests first, coding and refactoring accordingly

I found that I was really comfortable this time around with what I was creating, and managed to achieve my goal of having a working solution before

To Do

  • Implement Rock, Paper, Scissors, Spock, Lizard gameplay
  • Fix RuboCop offenses with my code (5 offenses)
  • Tidy up README
  • Add domain modeling breakdown in readme
  • Refactor code and tests as required
  • In 2 player mode add a separate page so player 2 can enter there selection separately


screen shot 2018-03-11 at 7 56 53 pm screen shot 2018-03-11 at 7 57 06 pm screen shot 2018-03-11 at 7 57 21 pm screen shot 2018-03-11 at 7 57 31 pm


The Makers Academy Marketing Array ( MAMA ) have asked us to provide a game for them. Their daily grind is pretty tough and they need time to steam a little.

Your task is to provide a Rock, Paper, Scissors game for them so they can play on the web with the following user stories:

User Stories

As a marketeer
So that I can see my name in lights
I would like to register my name before playing an online game

As a marketeer
So that I can enjoy myself away from the daily grind
I would like to be able to play rock/paper/scissors

Getting Started

  1. Clone or download the repository to your system https://github.com/Hemesh-Unka/rps-challenge.git
  2. Redirect into the home directory cd rps-challenge
  3. With Bundle package manager type bundle to install required gems
  4. Type rackup to run the server
  5. Finally in your browser navigate to localhost:9292 to view the app


Tests were designed to run using the RSpec and Capybara testing frameworks.

To run RSpec test: rspec


MA Week 3 - Weekend Challenge: A web app built in Ruby to simulate the game of rock-paper-scissors :fist::raised_hand::v:



Language:Ruby 64.7%Language:HTML 35.3%