Hemant-Mann / express-mvc

MVC Structure for Express based apps

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


MVC Structure for Express based apps


Understanding the structure of the application

    -- app
        -- controllers  # Contain controllers
            - controller.js     # Parent controller
        -- models   # Mongoose models
        -- views    # Views/templates to be rendered
            -- layouts
                - standard.ejs  # Default Layout for app
        -- routes   # Contain express routes
        -- scripts # Contains misc scripts
        -- config   # Main config files
    -- public   # Contains all the static files
        -- css
        -- js
        -- img
    -- bin
        - www   # Express server file
    -- app.js   # Main express app configuration

Understanding Application

After downloading install the dependencies and start the application

npm install
npm start


  • We follows the MVC Pattern by matching the controller and their methods from the URL
  • Eg: if url is => "/users/login" then accordingly it should look for "users" controller and execute the "login" method


  • Visit Main Page
  • '/' routes are executed from the routes/home.js
  • In this request current URL => "/", controller => "home", method => "index"
  • Layout => "views/layouts/standard.ejs", template => "views/home/index.ejs"
  • Notice the template is rendered automatically from the views/{controller}/{method}
  • All the data set by controller "view" property will be available to the views

Working with this application

This can be divided into 3 steps. Let's say you want to create a controller for login and registration, let's call it "auth".


Create "auth.js" in controllers folder

var Shared = require('./controller');
var Utils = require('../scripts/utils');

var Auth = (function () {
    var auth = Utils.inherit(Shared, 'Auth');

    auth._initView = function () {
        // change the layoutView
        // this.defaultLayout = "layouts/someother"; // will change the layout for all the functions
    // login function
    auth.login = function (req, res, next) {
        this.view.message = "Some message"; // any property set on "this.view" will be available to the templates
        this.seo.title = "Login Page";  // SEO object available to views

        // this.willRenderLayoutView = false;  // don't render the layout just template
        // this.defaultLayout = "layouts/someother"; // this will change layout only for this function
    // similarly other functions with same signature
    return auth;
module.exports = Auth;


  • Views can be divided in two parts - layoutView ("layouts/standard.ejs" [Default]) + actionView
  • Layout: will include the actionView
  • Create "auth" (controller name lower case) folder in views directory
  • Create a template for login function => "auth/login.ejs" (actionView)
<p><%= message %></p>


  • Create routes/auth.js
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var Auth = require('../controllers/auth');

var urlRegex = Auth._public();  // this will render all the public methods of the controller
// i.e not starting with "_"
router.get(urlRegex, function (req, res, next) {
    Auth._init(req, res, next);

module.exports = router;
  • Mouting the routes in "app.js"
  • Add these lines below the homeRoutes
var authRoutes = require('./app/routes/auth');
app.use('/auth', authRoutes);

Go ahead and visit the new URL

curl -vi http://localhost:3000/auth/login.html # Render View
curl -vi http://localhost:3000/auth/login.json # Acts as an API


MVC Structure for Express based apps

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 94.8%Language:HTML 4.5%Language:CSS 0.7%