Hemadityamalla / pumpkin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I took the stuff from the guy below. He does not seem to be maintaining it anymore.

Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Aram H Markosyan. All rights reserved.

This file is part of PumpKin (see http://www.pumpkin-tool.org).
Please see the COPYRIGHT_and_LICENSE file for the copyright notice,
disclaimer, contact information and the GNU Lesser General Public License.
PumpKin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by the Free Software
Foundation) version 2.
PumpKin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the terms and conditions of the GNU General
Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA



Before installing PumpKin, the user should have installed the GLPK package. For this we recommend tools like MacPorts (www.macports.org) or Fink (www.finkproject.org) for Mac OS X and package management systems for GNU/Linux distributions. The windows user can get installation instructions at (winglpk.sourceforge.net).

The full source code of PumpKin is available at:


After the download user should do:

1. Copy the pumpkin distribution file to a working directory.
2. Unpack the distribution file with the following command:
       $ gzip -d pumpkin-X.Y.tar.gz
After unpacking the distribution file is automatically renamed to ‘pumpkin- X.Y.tar’.
3. Unarchive the distribution file with the following command: 
		$ tar -x < pumpkin-X.Y.tar
It automatically creates the subdirectory ‘pumpkin-X.Y’ containing the pumpkin distribution.

Description of this Package

The PumpKin package contains the folling files:

Copyright_and_License README User manual.pdf src/ Makefile PumpKin.cpp pk_Array.h pk_IO.cpp pk_Pathways.cpp pk_Print.cpp pk_Array.cpp pk_DataTypes.h pk_IO.h pk_Pathways.h pk_Print.h Examples/ ZDPlasKin/ Input_10/ input.txt qt_conditions_list.txt qt_matrix.txt qt_reactions_list.txt qt_conditions.txt qt_densities.txt qt_rates.txt qt_species_list.txt Input_20/ input.txt qt_conditions_list.txt qt_matrix.txt qt_reactions_list.txt qt_conditions.txt qt_densities.txt qt_rates.txt qt_species_list.txt Global_Kin/

The package consists of the following C++ files:

PumpKin.cpp pk_DataTypes.h pk_Array.h, pk_Array.cpp pk_IO.h, pk_IO.cpp pk_Print.h, pk_Print.cpp pk_Pathways.h, pk_Pathways.cpp

a. PumpKin.cpp -- is the user defined file to run PumpKin and make output. b. pk_DataTypes.h -- contains all the abstract structures which store the data like rates etc. c. pk_Array.h(.cpp) -- multidimensional dynamic array structures d. pk_IO.h(.cpp) -- contains all the input routines to read input data e. pk_Print.h(.cpp) -- contains all the printing (output) routines g. pk_Pathways.h(.cpp) -- performs all operations over pathways. The core of algorithm is implemented in these files.

PumpKin Installation Information

The simplest way to build this package is:

  1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code: $ cd pumpkin-X.Y/src

  2. Type make to buid it: $ make

To run simple examples provided with package type: $ ./pumpkin Examples/ZDPlasKin/Input_10 $ ./pumpkin Examples/ZDPlasKin/Input_20 or $ ./pumpkin Examples/Global_Kin

Possible sources of error while compilation

  • On fedora 32, 64bit arch, i5 10th Gen Dell Inspiron: The original Makefile (when downloading the package from Aram's website) has the following on line 23: $(LINK) $(LFLAGS) -std=gnu++0x $(OBJ) -o $@ $(LIBS) where $(LFLAGS) = -stdlib=libc++.

This line gives me an error. I found the solution here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34654682/unrecognized-command-line-option-stdlib-libc-gcc-homebrew-gcc-5-3-0-5-3-0




Language:C++ 99.3%Language:Makefile 0.7%