Helmholtz-AI-Energy / DDP-Basics

how to start using torch.DDP quickly

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

General Steps:

  1. download torch image from NVIDIA (singularity)
    • singularity pull new-torch-image-file.sif docker://nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:22.01-py3
    • NOTE: if you are required to provide auth for the image: add this flag --docker-login and enter your information when prompted
  2. create a 'sandbox': singularity build --sandbox sandbox_torch/ torch.sif
  3. move to sandbox: cd sandbox_torch/
  4. clone your git repo...i leave this to you
  5. add the comm.py file to your repo and put it in a place that you can import the functions within. Add mpi4py to your required packages
  6. activate a shell (singularity shell sandbox_torch/) and install your package (recommended way: pip install -e .). you may need to make a venv, or make the sandbox writable
  7. determine which wireup-method is best for you (this is system dependent) for HoreKa use nccl-slurm-pmi
  8. when launching the job use srun and make sure to use the correct MPI when launching the jobs. for HoreKa use: --mpi=pmi2
  9. export these two things WITHIN the srun call:
    • MASTER_ADDR=$(scontrol show hostnames $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST | head -n 1);
    • MASTER_PORT=6000
  10. here is an example train.sh script which can be used to spawn a training
  11. tell torch to use DDP training.
  12. Make sure that the data and network on are the correct device. The local rank (if number of node-local ranks == number of node-local GPUs) can be found with comm.local_rank()
  13. It may be useful to stop all ranks from printing / logging. get the global rank with comm.get_rank()

Example Train script

#!/usr/bin/env bash

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4 # -> assuming that there are 4 GPUs / node


ml purge

export DATA_DIR_TRAIN="/.../data/train"
export DATA_DIR_VAL="/.../data/test"
export CHECKPOINT_OUT="/.../checkpoints"
export CONTAINER="/.../containers/sandbox_torch/" 

export OMPI_MCA_coll_hcoll_enable=0

srun "${SRUN_PARAMS[@]}" singularity exec --nv --bind "/scratch","/tmp","${CHECKPOINT_OUT}","${DATA_DIR_TRAIN}","${DATA_DIR_VAL}"\
        ${CONTAINER} \
         bash -c "\
                MASTER_ADDR=$(scontrol show hostnames $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST | head -n 1);
                python /your-repo-name/script.py \
                        -a qrnn3d \
                        --datadir ${DATA_DIR_TRAIN} \
                        --val-datadir ${DATA_DIR_VAL} \
                        --save-dir ${CHECKPOINT_OUT} \
                        --workers 4 \
                        --comm-method nccl-slurm-pmi \
                        --batch-size 2 \
                        --loss l2_ssim

Code to tell torch to use DDP:

net = net.to(device)
net = nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(net, group)
net = nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(net, device_ids=[device.index])

JSC Machines


  • the sandbox image is not editable by the script. Files inside are read-only at runtime. All outputs should be to a different folder
  • the comm.py is not foolproof. systems are different and may require special treatment.
  • large nodes require a larger timeout value for wireup.
  • the delay while creating the process groups is to avoid all ranks pinging a single rank and DDOS it
  • the comm.py script could be updated to NOT require mpi4py at all if desired. But slurm would still require it

Useful links


how to start using torch.DDP quickly


Language:Python 100.0%