HelloTomBruce / vue-datetime-picker

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datepicker components for QYCloud base on vue-datetime-picker

A Vue.js component implementing the datetime picker control using the Eonasdan's bootstrap datetime picker plugin.


  • 图标改为iconfont
  • vue1.0改为vue2.0,体现在datetime-picker.vue文件和index.js文件
  • 去掉bootstrap.js,对bootstrap.css进行瘦身



The HTML snippets are as follows:

<div class="form-horizontal">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="picker1" class="col-sm-3 control-label">
      A default datetime picker:
    <div class="col-sm-5">

    <vue-datetime-picker ref:picker1  :name="name"

The Javascript snippets are as follows:

var Vue = require("vue");

var vm = new Vue({
  el: "#app",
  components: {
    "vue-datetime-picker": require("vue-datepicker")
  data: {
    datetime1: null,
    startDatetime: "2017-08-30",
    endDatetime: null,
    type: 'datetime',
    name: 'picker1',
    language: 'en-US',
    datetimeFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'
  methods: {
    updateDate: function(datetime) {
      this.datetime1 = datetime;

Component Properties


The model bind to the control, which must be a two way binding variable. 双向绑定变量,结果就是这个控件的值

Note that the value of the model must be either a null value, or a moment object. If the model is set to null, the input box of the datetime picker control will set to empty, indicating no datetime was selected; also, if the input box of the datetime picker control is set to empty (that is, the user delete the text in the input box of the datetime picker control), the value of the model will be set to null instead of an empty string; if the user does select a datetime, the value of the model will be set to the moment object representing the date, without any timezone information. 注意,模型的值必须是null值,也可以是moment对象。如果模型被设置为空,日期选择器控件的输入框 将设置为空,表示没有选择日期时间;另外,如果日期时间选择器控件的输入框中设置为空( 即用户删除的日期选择器控件的输入框的文本),模型的值将被设置为null,而不是空字符串; 如果用户选择一个日期,模型的值将被设置为矩表示日期,没有任何时区信息。







The optional type of the datetime picker control. Available values are

  • "datetime": Indicating that the control is a datetime picker,
  • "date": Indicating that the control is a date picker (without time picker),
  • "time": Indicating that the control is a time picker (without date picker).

The default value of this property is "datetime".


The optional code of language used by the moment library.

If it is not set, and the vue-i18n plugin is used, the component will use the language code $language provided by the vue-i18n plugin; otherwise, the component will use the default value "en-US".

The supported languages are exactly the same as the supported languages of the moment library. In order to use the supported language, you must also include the corresponding i18n js file of the moment library in your HTML file. A convenient way is to include the moment-with-locales.min.js.

Note that the language code passed to this property could be a locale code consists of a language code and a country code, e.g., "en-US". The component will automatically convert the locale code to the language code supported by the moment library. Since some languages have different variants in different country or region, e.g., "zh-CN" for the simplified Chinese and "zh-TW" for the traditional Chinese, it's recommended to use the locale code in the form of "[language]-[country]".



The optional format of the datetime this component should display, which must be a valid datetime format of the moment library.

This property only works when the type property is set to "datetime". Default value of this property is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss".


The optional format of the date this component should display, which must be a valid date format of the moment library.

This property only works when the type property is set to "date". Default value of this property is "YYYY-MM-DD".


The optional format of the time this component should display, which must be a valid time format of the moment library.

This property only works when the type property is set to "time". Default value of this property is "HH:mm:ss".


The optional name of the selection control.


The optional event handler triggered when the value of the datetime picker was changed. If this parameter is presented and is not null, it must be a function which accept one argument: the new date time selected by the picker, which is a moment object.


该属性用于父组件向子组件也就是datetime-picker传递一个方法, 该方法定义在父组件中,用于子组件更新父组件的属性值



This property is a reference to the JQuery selection of datetime control. It could be used to call the APIs of the Eonasdan's bootstrap datetime picker. For example, picker.control.minDate(val) will set the minimum allowed datetime of the picker to the specified value, where picker is the reference to the vue-datetime-picker component.



module.exports = {
    "datetime_picker": {
        "today": "转至今日",
        "clear": "清除选择",
        "close": "关闭选择器",
        "selectMonth": "选择月份",
        "prevMonth": "上一个月",
        "nextMonth": "下一个月",
        "selectYear": "选择年份",
        "prevYear": "上一年",
        "nextYear": "下一年",
        "selectDecade": "选择十年",
        "prevDecade": "上一个十年",
        "nextDecade": "下一个十年",
        "prevCentury": "上一个世纪",
        "nextCentury": "下一个世纪",
        "pickHour": "选择小时",
        "incrementHour": "增加小时",
        "decrementHour": "减小小时",
        "pickMinute": "选择分钟",
        "incrementMinute": "增加分钟",
        "decrementMinute": "减小分钟",
        "pickSecond": "选择秒",
        "incrementSecond": "增加秒",
        "decrementSecond": "减小秒",
        "togglePeriod": "切换时期",
        "selectTime": "选择时间"


The MIT License



Language:JavaScript 43.5%Language:Vue 29.5%Language:CSS 24.3%Language:HTML 2.7%