Hellevar / dotnet-learning-materials

This repository contains organised and categorised list of useful posts/articles/videos/podcasts from the .NET Development world.

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Dotnet Learning Materials

This repository contains organised and categorised list of useful posts/articles/videos/podcasts from the .NET Development world.


[Article] Threading in C# Part 1 Getting Started Joseph Albahari

[Article] Threading in C# Part 2 Basic Synchronization Joseph Albahari

[Article] Threading in C# Part 3 Using Threads Joseph Albahari

[Article] Threading in C# Part 4 Advanced Threading Joseph Albahari

[Article] Threading in C# Part 5 Parallel Programming Joseph Albahari

[Article] Understanding C# async / await (1) Compilation

[Article] Understanding C# async / await (2) The Awaitable-Awaiter Pattern

[Article] Understanding C# async / await (3) Runtime Context

[Article] Understanding Async, Avoiding Deadlocks in C#

[Article] Clean View Models

Asp.Net Core

[Article] ASP.NET Core Web API Versioning

[Article] Exploring the code behind IHttpClientFactory in depth

[Article] DI scopes in IHttpClientFactory message handlers don't work like you think they do

[Article] Controlling IHostedService execution order in ASP.NET Core 3.x

Entity Framework Core

[Video] Getting the best out of Entity Framework Core - Jon P Smith


[Article] Beginner's Guide to the Bash Terminal

[Article] How to run ASP.NET Core Web Application as a service on Linux without reverse proxy, no NGINX or Apache


[Video] When to Mock

[Article] Unit Testing is Overrated

[Article] Should you unit-test API/MVC controllers in ASP.NET Core?


[Video] Vertical Slice Architecture - Jimmy Bogard

[Video] Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core 3.0 - Jason Taylor

[Video] Clean Code with Entity Framework Core | Brendan Richards

[Video]Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core with Steve "Ardalis" Smith

Design Patterns

[Article Catalog] Design patterns


This repository contains organised and categorised list of useful posts/articles/videos/podcasts from the .NET Development world.