HellBus1 / social-media-app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  1. Installed golang-migrate-cli, here is the how to https://github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/tree/master/cmd/migrate

How to run

  1. Run go mod tidy to install & remote unecessary dependencies
  2. Run go run main.go the server will be start in port :8000 (you can test by call /health-check)

Configuration .env file

  1. Create .env file in root project from copy .env.example and fill the value based on your environment (development, staging, production)

Migration guide

  1. Add migration script
migrate create -ext sql -dir migrations -seq add_user_table
  1. To execute migration
migrate -database "postgres://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{dbname}?sslmode=disable" -path migrations up
  1. To rollback migration
migrate -database "postgres://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{dbname}?sslmode=disable" -path migrations down
  1. Example
migrate -database "postgres://postgres:P4ssW0rd@localhost:5434/marketplace_db?sslmode=disable" -path migrations up
  1. If you want to add postgres docker for local development
docker pull postgres
docker run --name marketplace-app -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="P4ssW0rd" -e POSTGRES_DB="marketplace_db" -d -p 5434:5432 postgres

default username is 'postgres'

Unit Test guide

  1. To run the test (right now is in specific folder, i don't know how to run all yet XD)
go test ./test/controllers -v
go test ./test/services -v

i'll looking about this later (the most important, coverage)



Language:Go 100.0%