HeitorMC / intensive-database

CodeMiner Advanced Database

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Intensive Database

The objective of this project is to provide a boilerplate to help us practice some queries and concepts using ActiveRecord and pure SQL using PostgreSQL as our base.

Table of Contents


  • Ruby 3.3.0
  • PostgreSQL (recommended >=16)
  • Docker and docker-compose (optional)

Running the project

  • Running both App and Postgres in Docker
docker-compose up [-d]

# And to open the Rails Console
docker-compose run --rm app rails c
  • Running only Postgres in Docker
docker-compose up db [-d]

# The database credentials are needed to connect to the postgres container
# The easiest way is to define the  DATABASE_URL environment variable
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:secret_password@localhost

bundle install

bundle exec rails db:create db:setup

bundle exec rails c


The project db/seeds.rb file contains a script to populate with a randomized number of records in order to test the queries.

There is a list of commented model classes we will use during the exercises. Uncomment them as we go and rerun the bundle exec rails db:seed to populate your database.

The project also uses the faker and factory_bot_rails gems to generate the dummy data.


During the workshop, we'll create a few queries and we should add them under the app/queries/ directory. There we have the application_query.rb class, which has a few helper methods, we must implement the #call method that executes the query and returns the expected response.

We can write the implementation using the model methods, but it is preferred raw SQL for a better understanding of the concepts (we can convert back and forth later on using the ApplicationRecord#to_sql method to see the generated query too)

You shouldn't limit yourself to one way or another, if you have time and are willing, you can implement both and just swap between the implementations in the #call method and compare the outputs.

class ExampleQuery < ::ApplicationQuery
  def call
    execute_query load_query('day_one/complex_query.sql')

class OtherExampleQuery < ::ApplicationQuery
  def call
    execute_query 'SELECT id, name FROM people;'

class AndYetAnotherQuery < ::ApplicationQuery
  def call
    Person.select(:id, :name).map(&:attributes).to_a

class MultipleImplementationsQuery < ::ApplicationQuery
  def call
    return active_record_implementation if options[:ar_implementation]



  def active_record_implementation
    # cool implementation

  def raw_sql_implementation
    # even cooler implementation


CodeMiner Advanced Database


Language:Ruby 99.4%Language:Shell 0.6%