Heftie / queue

Repository from Github https://github.comHeftie/queueRepository from Github https://github.comHeftie/queue

Queue Module

This is a simple queue handler implemented in C, designed to be reused for simple tasks like queues for embedded interfaces such as SPI or UART. The module uses a circular buffer to store data, providing efficient enqueue and dequeue operations.


  • Circular buffer implementation
  • Enqueue and dequeue operations
  • Error handling for full and empty queues
  • Initialization with custom buffer, size, and element size


Include the Header

Include the queue.h header file in your source code to use the queue functions.

Initialize the Queue

Initialize the queue with a buffer, size, and element size using the queue_init function. This function returns a status code indicating the result of the initialization.

queue_t queue;
uint8_t buffer[10];
queue_status_t status = queue_init(&queue, buffer, 10, sizeof(uint8_t));

Enqueue Data

To add data to the queue, use the queue_enqueue function. This function takes the queue pointer and the data to be enqueued as arguments.

uint8_t data = 1;
queue_status_t status = queue_enqueue(&queue, &data);

Dequeue Data

To remove data from the queue, use the queue_dequeue function. This function takes the queue pointer and a pointer to the variable where the dequeued data will be stored.

uint8_t data;
queue_status_t status = queue_dequeue(&queue, &data);

Error Handling

The queue_enqueue and queue_dequeue functions return an error code to indicate if the operation was successful. The error codes are defined in the queue.h header file.

queue_status_t status = queue_enqueue(&queue, &data);
if (status == QUEUE_FULL) {
    // Handle full queue error

status = queue_dequeue(&queue, &data);
if (status == QUEUE_EMPTY) {
    // Handle empty queue error

Example with Struct Data Type

You can also use the queue with a struct data type. Here is an example:

typedef struct {
    uint8_t id;
    uint16_t value;
    uint8_t padding; // Padding to align the struct size
} data_t;

queue_t queue;
data_t buffer[10];
queue_init(&queue, buffer, 10, sizeof(data_t));

data_t data = {1, 100, 0};
queue_enqueue(&queue, &data);

data_t dequeued_data;
queue_dequeue(&queue, &dequeued_data);

Unit Tests

Unit tests for the queue module are written using GoogleTest. To run the tests, follow these steps:

  1. Install GoogleTest.
  2. Create a test directory and add the test_queue.cpp file with the test cases.
  3. Update your CMakeLists.txt to include the test directory and link GoogleTest.
  4. Build and run the tests using CMake.
cmake .



Language:C++ 50.9%Language:C 43.9%Language:CMake 5.2%