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Curran Kelleher's Portfolio

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Founder @ Datavis Tech Inc.

I'm available for hire as a freelancer / consultant! Feel free to reach out at curran@datavis.tech .

2017 Work

2016 Work

2015 Work

2014 Work

2013 Work

  • Web-based Data Visualization (December 2013) - A presentation that surveys the state of the art in Web-based Data Visualization and related technologies.
  • Building a Graphing Calculator with HTML5 (November 2013) - A screencast tutorial in which students learn how to program a graphing calculator in HTML5 from scratch.
  • Notes (November 2013) - A Backbone.js powered serverless blog engine, used for publishing miscellaneous notes.
  • Tutorial on Web Graphics and Visualization Technologies (October 2013) - The material presented at the IEEE Vis 2013 conference in a tutorial called "Mobile and cloud Web-based graphics and visualization".
  • Rapid7 User Insight Ingress Dashboard (June - August 2013) - Designed and implemented an interactive visualization dashboard with multiple linked views for exploring and presenting corporate login data. This work is in production in Rapid7's UserInsight cybersecurity data analysis product (it's the map with pie charts, timeline and bar chart). See also the UserInsight Data Sheet, which features a screenshot of the map.
  • Screencast on Mathematical Graphical Patterns (July 2013) - A screencast from a tutorial given at MIT on July 28, 2013. Part of the HSSP 2013 course Computer Programming and Interactive Graphics. In this tutorial we explore variations on mathematical animations of a grid of circles.
  • dashboardScaffold (July 2013) - An open source visualization dashboard layout and dynamic configuration framework. Developed while interning at Rapid7 creating cybersecurity visualization visualization dashboards with multiple linked views.
  • Introduction to Computer Programming (July 2013) - A screencast from a tutorial given at MIT on July 21, 2013. Part of the HSSP 2013 course Computer Programming and Interactive Graphics. Covers JavaScript language features and basic graphics.
  • Grammar of Graphics in HTML5 (pdf)
  • Mandelbrot A Mandelbrot Set renderer that runs on the GPU using WebGL shaders.
  • Lambda A Lambda Calculus interpreter in Haskell and CoffeeScript.
  • HTML5 Polygon Editor (April 2013) - A screencast on building a Polygon Editor using Backbone, Require.js, and Canvas.
  • HTML5 Bouncing Circles (March 2013) - A screencast in which a simulation of bouncing and colliding balls is programmed from scratch using JavaScript and HTML5 Canvas.
  • Introduction to JavaScript and HTML5 Canvas (February 2013) - A screencast introducing JavaScript and HTML5 Canvas, from a tutorial given at UMass Lowell sponsored by the ACM and UML Computer Science Graduate Student Organization.

2012 Work

2011 Work

  • [Fractal Perspective](http://curran.github.com/portfolio/2011/Fractal Perspective.pdf) - A concept paper on visualizing RDF, presented at the Fifteenth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'11) in London.
  • [Assessing Risks for Families with Inherited Cancers](http://curran.github.com/portfolio/2011/Assessing Risks for Families with Inherited Cancers.pdf) - A paper on the breast cancer risk assessment platform I worked on at Masachusetts General Hospital. Presented at IEEE VisWeek 2011: Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare.

2010 Work

2009 Work

2008 Work

2007 Work

2006 Work


Curran Kelleher's Portfolio


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