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login.js in controllers

This is a Node.js module for user authentication using email and password. It uses the express-async-handler middleware to handle asynchronous operations and the bcryptjs library for password hashing and comparison. The module also imports the UserModel object from the user.model.js file and the checkValidation function from the utils.js file.

The main function exported by this module is login, which takes in a request (req) and a response (res) object from the Express.js framework. The checkValidation function is called to validate the incoming request and return any errors if present. If there are validation errors, the function returns a JSON response with the success key set to false and the error key set to the validation error message.

If the request is valid, the email and password fields are extracted from the request body. The UserModel.findOne() method is called to find the user associated with the provided email address. If no user is found, the function returns a JSON response with the success key set to false and the error key set to the message "Your email does not registered".

If a user is found, the function uses the bcrypt.compare() method to compare the provided password with the stored password hash. If the passwords match, the function returns a JSON response with the success key set to true. If the passwords do not match, the function returns a JSON response with the success key set to false and the error key set to the message "Invalid email or password".

Overall, this module provides a simple and secure way to authenticate users in a Node.js/Express.js web application using email and password.

register.js in controllers

This is a Node.js module for user registration. It uses the express-async-handler middleware to handle asynchronous operations and the bcryptjs library for password hashing. The module also imports the UserModel object from the user.model.js file and the hashPassword and checkValidation functions from the utils.js file.

The main function exported by this module is register, which takes in a request (req) and a response (res) object from the Express.js framework. The checkValidation function is called to validate the incoming request and return any errors if present. If there are validation errors, the function returns a JSON response with the success key set to false and the error key set to the validation error message.

If the request is valid, the hashPassword function is called to hash the password provided in the request body. The UserModel.create() method is then called to create a new user with the provided user data. If a user with the same email address already exists in the database, the create() method will fail and the function returns a JSON response with the success key set to false and the error key set to the message "Duplicate User".

If the user is successfully created, the function returns a JSON response with the success key set to true.

Overall, this module provides a simple and secure way to register new users in a Node.js/Express.js web application using email and password.

user.js in controllers

This is a Node.js module that defines a UserController class with two methods to handle user-related HTTP requests in a web application. The module imports the UserModel object from the user.model.js file.

The getUserById method takes in a request (req) and a response (res) object from the Express.js framework. It uses the UserModel.findOne() method to find a user in the database with the ID provided in the request parameters. If the user is not found, the method returns a JSON response with the success key set to false and the error key set to the message "User not found". If the user is found, the method removes the password field from the user object using object destructuring and returns a JSON response with the success key set to true and the info key set to the user object without the password field.

The updateUser method also takes in a request (req) and a response (res) object from the Express.js framework. It uses the UserModel.findOne() method to find a user in the database with the ID provided in the request body. If the user is not found, the method returns a JSON response with the success key set to false and the error key set to the message "User not found". If the user is found, the method extracts the id field from the request body and the profile_image field from the req.files object, and then uses the UserModel.update() method to update the user's data with the rest of the fields in the request body and the profile_image field. If the update fails, the method returns a JSON response with the success key set to false and the error key set to the message "Update user info failed". If the update succeeds, the method checks the affectedRows field in the result object returned by the update() method to determine if the user was actually updated. The method then returns a JSON response with the success key set to true and the message key set to either "User not found" or "User updated successfully" depending on the value of affectedRows.

Overall, this module provides a simple and secure way to handle user-related HTTP requests in a Node.js/Express.js web application.


exports a class DBConnection which creates a connection pool to a MySQL database using the mysql2 package. The class constructor takes the database connection information from the environment variables using the dotenv package.

The DBConnection class has a method called checkConnection which checks the status of the database connection by trying to get a connection from the pool. If there is an error, it logs the error message to the console. If the connection is successful, it releases the connection.

The class also has a method called query which executes a SQL query with the given values and returns a promise that resolves to the query result. If there is an error, the promise is rejected with the error.

The DBConnection class also exports a constant object HttpStatusCodes which maps MySQL error codes to HTTP status codes. The query method converts any MySQL error codes that are included in HttpStatusCodes to the corresponding HTTP status code.

Overall, this file is responsible for creating and managing a connection pool to a MySQL database and providing a method for executing SQL queries with error handling.


This code exports an object containing several functions to validate user input using the express-validator library and a middleware function to handle multi-part file uploads using multer.

  • The validateLogin function validates a login request, ensuring that the email and password fields are present and valid.
  • The createUserSchema function validates a user creation request, ensuring that the email and password fields are present and valid.
  • The uploadMulti middleware function handles multi-part file uploads and sets the storage location for uploaded files. It also defines a filter function to ensure that only image files are accepted.

The multer package is a popular middleware for handling file uploads in Node.js. It provides various configuration options, including file storage location, filename generation, and file filtering. The express-validator package is a middleware for validating user input in Express.js applications. It provides various validators to validate user input and return appropriate error messages.


This code defines a UserModel class that represents a user model in a database. It uses query method from the db-connection.js module to execute SQL queries on the database.

The class has the following methods:

  • find: a method that finds and returns all users from the database if no parameters are passed or it finds and returns users matching the passed parameters. The method uses the multipleColumnSet function from the utils module to convert the passed parameters into a SQL query.
  • findOne: a method that finds and returns a single user from the database based on the passed parameters. The method also uses the multipleColumnSet function to convert the passed parameters into a SQL query.
  • create: a method that creates a new user in the database with the passed email and password.
  • update: a method that updates the user in the database with the specified id using the passed parameters.
  • delete: a method that deletes the user with the specified id from the database.

The class uses the multipleColumnSet function from the utils module to create the SQL queries based on the passed parameters.

login.js in routes

This code exports an Express router that handles a POST request to the root path ("/") of the application. When a request is made to this path, the validateLogin middleware function is executed first to validate the input data. If the input data is valid, the login controller function is executed to handle the login request. The login function is imported from "../controllers/login" module.

Register.js in routes

File is defining a router for handling the HTTP POST requests to register a new user.

The router is using the createUserSchema middleware function from validator.js to validate the incoming request data. If the data is valid, the register controller function is invoked to handle the request and register the new user.

Here's an overview of what the code in register.js is doing:

  1. Import the necessary dependencies:
  • Router from the express module.
  • The register controller function.
  • The createUserSchema middleware function from validator.js.
  1. Create a new router instance with Router().
  2. Define a route handler for HTTP POST requests to the root path (/):
  • Use the createUserSchema middleware to validate the incoming request data.
  • Call the register controller function to handle the request and register the new user.
  1. Export the router instance with module.exports

user.js in routes

File defines two routes:

  • a GET route for fetching a user by their ID, using the getUserById function from the userController.
  • a POST route for updating a user, using the updateUser function from the userController. This route also uses the uploadMulti middleware from validator.js, which allows for multiple files to be uploaded as part of the request.

Note that the routes are prefixed with /, so a request for fetching a user by ID would look like /user/:id, and a request for updating a user would look like /user/update.


File exports several utility functions:

  1. getPlaceholderStringForArray: This function takes an array as input and returns a string of comma-separated placeholders ("?, ?, ...") equal to the length of the array. It is used to generate placeholders for SQL queries.
  2. multipleColumnSet: This function takes an object as input and returns an object with two properties: columnSet and values. columnSet is a string of comma-separated SQL column assignments ("key1 = ?, key2 = ?, ...") generated from the keys of the input object, and values is an array of the corresponding values.
  3. hashPassword: This function takes a request object as input and hashes the password field of the request body using bcrypt.
  4. checkValidation: This function takes a request and response object as input and checks for validation errors using the validationResult function from the express-validator library. If errors are found, it returns the errors object; otherwise, it returns false.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%