HavenLin / highcharts-vue

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Official Highcharts wrapper for Vue framework

Table of Contents

  1. Getting started
    1. Requirements
    2. Installation
  2. Using
    1. Registering globally as a plugin
    2. Registering locally in your component
    3. Implementing stockChart and mapChart
    4. Changing global component tag name
    5. Chart callback parameter
  3. Chart object reference
  4. Demo app
  5. Component Parameters
  6. Useful links

Getting started


  • Node.JS, NPM installed globally in your OS
  • Vue, Highcharts libraries (updated) installed in your project


Install highcharts-vue package by:

npm install highcharts-vue


There are two ways of adding Highcharts-Vue wrapper to your project:

Registering globally as a plugin

That way is recommended when making the wrapper available from everywhere in your app. In your main app file should have Vue and Highcharts-Vue packages imported:

import Vue from 'vue'
import HighchartsVue from 'highcharts-vue'

Next, you can register it as a plugin in your Vue object:


Registering locally in your component

This option is recommended for direct use in specific components of your app. First, you should import the Chart component object from Highcharts-Vue package in your component file:

import {Chart} from 'highcharts-vue'

Then, you've to register it in your Vue instance configuration, namely in components section:

  components: {
    highcharts: Chart 

NOTE: If you would like to use Highcharts-Vue wrapper by attaching it using <script> tag in your <head> section of HTML document, of course it is possible and you should use one of .js file from dist/script-tag of this package directory. After that, the HighchartsVue object should be available from window scope. Here is the example with this way of implementation: JSFiddle example


Options parameter

If you've done one of the above (importing and registering the wrapper), it allows you to use the Highcharts-Vue component in your app, just by adding <highcharts> html element, and passing chart configuration object by its :options parameter, which is required:

<highcharts :options="chartOptions"></highcharts>

for example:

new Vue({
  data() {
    return {
      chartOptions: {
        series: [{
          data: [1,2,3] // sample data

Importing Highcharts modules

To use any of Highcharts modules, you're obligated to import that module to your file, as well as Highcharts package itself and add that module by passing Highcharts to it, for example:

import Highcharts from 'highcharts'
import exportingInit from 'highcharts/modules/exporting'


Implementing stockChart and mapChart

Highcharts-Vue wrapper uses chart constructor by default, so if you need to implement stockChart or mapChart, just add stock or map module as described above and use :constructor-type parameter in your html component element:

import Highcharts from 'highcharts'
import stockInit from 'highcharts/modules/stock'

<highcharts :constructor-type="'stockChart'" :options="chartOptions"></highcharts>

Changing global component tag name

If you would like to use global component tag name other than <highcharts> , you could achieve that by passing object with tagName: [TAG_NAME] pair as an option argument when registering the plugin, for example:

import Vue from 'vue'
import HighchartsVue from 'highcharts-vue'

Vue.use(HighchartsVue, {tagName: 'charts']})

It allows you to use:

<charts :options="chartOptions"></charts>

Chart callback parameter

If you need to use callback from Highcharts.chart(renderTo, options [, callback]) function, you could pass it by :callback parameter through HTML component element:

<highcharts :options="chartOptions" :callback="someFunction">

Then, someFunction will be called when chart is loaded.

Chart object reference

You can access the Chart object instance if necessary (e.g when need to get some data or use any of Chart.prototype functions) by calling specific Vue component instance chart field, but there is not supported to update the chart using its built-it functions, because that would cause problems with data synchronization between your app and the chart itself (it disturbs conception of using wrappers). It's recommended to use it in the way that is implemented in demo app.

Using Highcharts setOptions() method

If you would like to use Highcharts.setOptions() method to define some parameters which would be set globally on all charts, we recommend you to use it in the main file of your app, although there should be Highcharts package imported before.

import Highcharts from 'highcharts';

  // options here

Demo app

If you would like to play with live app created with Highcharts Vue wrapper, or just want to see how it everything should looks like, there is an example included in this repository, which you can simply run locally on your machine. To achieve that, clone this repository, open terminal/console and enter these two commands from repo directory level:

npm run build:app
npm run app

Server runs at http://localhost:8080

Component Parameters

Here is the list of all allowed parameters which you can pass directly to your <highcharts> component instance, and Highcharts would be able to handle it.

Parameter Type Required Description
:options Object yes Highcharts chart configuration object
:constructor-type String no Chart constructor type using to init specific chart. Allowed options: 'chart', 'stockChart', 'mapChart'. First one is set for default.
:callback Function no Function passed as a callback during chart init, and triggered when chart is loaded.
:updateArgs Array no Array of update()'s function optional arguments. Parameters should be defined in the same order like in native Highcharts function: [redraw, oneToOne, animation]. Here is a more specific description of the parameters:

Useful links

Highcharts General Documentation Highcharts API




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