HauntedBees / openraster-export

Programmatically export OpenRaster files to flat images.

Home Page:https://www.npmjs.com/package/openraster-export

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

OpenRaster Export

This will flatten an ORA file into a single image file, with the ability to limit the layers included in the output.


npm install openraster-export


const OpenRasterExport = require("openraster-export").default;
OpenRasterExport("C:/path/to/file.ora", {
    includeLayers: ["layer1", "layer2"]
}).then(b64 => ...);

Supported Functionality

Currently only one root level stack is supported. This stack may have any number of layers, but any sub-stacks will not be included.

On the image element, the w and h attributes are used for your final image resolution, unless you pass the shrink option described below. xres and yres are unused.

On the root-level stack, only the layer array is used.

On the layer elements, the name attribute is compared against any of the include/exclude layer rules described below. The x and y attributes are used for positioning the layer. visibility is only considered if the excludeHidden option is passed - by default all layers that meet the include/exclude rules (or all layers, if no rules are given) will be included in the exported image. The opacity and composite-op attributes are currently unused, and all layers will be merged with an opacity of 1 and the default composite operator of svg:src-over.


OpenRasterExport(imagepath, [options])

Returns a Promise which resolves to a base64 data URI


Type: string

Path to the ORA file you want to convert to a single image.


Type: option

You can use either includeLayers and/or includeRegex, or you can use either excludeLayers and/or excludeRegex, but you cannot mix includes and excludes. If set, excludeHidden will take priority over any includeLayers/includeRegex rules.

Gamer Pro-Tip: Do not use the g flag on RegExps passed to includeRegex or excludeRegex (use /^something$/, not /^something$/g) or things will fail in weird ways. I promise it's not my fault.


Type: boolean Default: false

If true, all hidden layers (layer visibility='hidden') will be excluded from the exported image.


Type: string[] Default: undefined

List of layers - by name - to include in the exported image. Case sensitive.


Type: RegExp Default: undefined

A regular expression that, if a layer name matches, will include that layer in the exported image.


Type: string[] Default: undefined

List of layers - by name - to exclude from the exported image. Case sensitive.


Type: RegExp Default: undefined

A regular expression that, if a layer name matches, will exclude from layer in the exported image.


Type: boolean Default: false

If true, the resulting image will be the smallest size that fits all layers, instead of the size of the ORA canvas.


Type: mergeImages.Options Default: undefined

merge-image Options. If you specify Canvas and Image options, your specified values will be used, otherwise a Canvas and Image will be provided.




Code is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License. I am not a lawyer, but what I intend for that to mean is, if you use this to generate images locally or as a dev dependency for something, have fun. If you use it as a standard dependency for your project and its code is included in your app/package/whatever, then you must distribute your work under an AGPL-compatible license.


Programmatically export OpenRaster files to flat images.


License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:TypeScript 100.0%