HassoPlattnerInstituteHCI / dualpanto-testing

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Dualpanto Testing

The goal of this repository is to provide semi-automatic testing for the dualpanto device. This involves basic functionality checks of the hardware, the haptic rendering, communication protocol and the unity integration.

This project is work-in-progress. Welcome to contribute.

For BIS participants

Please check BIS.md first.


Install the ESP32 driver

  • Download the latest installer for your OS-Version.
  • Run the installer.

Setup C++ environment


  • Go to Appstore and install Xcode
  • Run xcode-select –install to install the compilers
  • Run sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer


  • Install Visual Studio 2019 or 2017
  • Select at least the workload “Desktopentwicklung mit C++”

Install IDE

We highly recommend to use PyCharm to run this test flow.


  1. download PyCharm
  2. clone this repo and open it with pycharm
  3. create vertial environment (we use python 3.7)and install package using requirements.txt
  4. install Mermaid plugin for flowchart vis
  5. follow Test Flow section

you can run unittest from Markdown preview markdown

or execute unittest from scripts


  1. download VScode
  2. clone this repo and open it with VScode
  3. set venv and install package using requirements.txt
  4. follow Test Flow section (Test flow in VSCode)

Command Line

you can also run all unittest from command line interface if struggle with setting up IDE. Install python library in requirements.txt, then execute script.

Test Flow

Most of the test is not semi-automated since they are related to haptics and mechanical issue. Check How to test?.

When you need to ask question on discord, please tell us which test you failed, and describe error or issue you have precise as possible.

Configurate test flow

  1. open config.py and enter your COM port to connect dualpanto.
  2. All test upload a firmware for each unit-test. You probably need to push button back of dualpantowhen you upload a firmware (it depends on OS). swith

1. Mechanical and Hardware

(For BIS studetns: There are code to figure out whether encoder and motor works, but no good evaluation process yet. We will update asap. You can also modify code to test your purpose.)

  1. check mechanical configuration
  2. python -m unittest test_firmware.Basic
  3. python -m unittest test_hardware.Linkage.test_encoderWIP
  4. python -m unittest test_hardware.Linkage.test_syncWIP
  5. python -m unittest test_hardware.EndEffector.test_encoder WIP
  6. python -m unittest test_hardware.EndEffector.test_motor WIP
  • 1.Basic check whether you could compile firmware and upload firmaere with platfiormIO
  • 2.Linkage.test_encoder check the four encoders on top of big motors works fine
  • 3.Linkage.test_sync check the four big motors works fine
  • 4.EndEffector.test_encoder check the two encoders on end effectors works fine
  • 5.EndEffector.test_sync check the two motors on end effectors works fine
%%{init: {'theme': 'neutral' } }%%
flowchart TD;
    ST((start)) --> MC[0.mechanical];
    MC -- checked --> FB;
    subgraph  test_firmware
    FB -- not work --> CH(check USB connection, <br> not using power-only cable, <br> COM port, <br> platformIO  properly installed,  <br> and pushing button back of dp)
    FB -- work -->  LTE[2.test_Encoder]

    subgraph test_hardware.Linkage
    LTE -- work -->LTS[3.test_sync];
    LTE-- not work -->  MC1[check mechanical again]
    LTS -- not work --> MC1
    subgraph test_hardware.EndEffector
    LTS -- work --> EETE[4.test_encoder]
    EETE -- work --> EETM[5.test_motor]
    EETM -- not work -->MC2
    EETE -- not work --> MC2[check mechanical again]
    EETM -- work --> DONE((done))
    CH -- no idea --> TA((Ask on discord <br> #general channel))
    MC1 -- no idea --> TA
    MC2 -- no idea --> TA
    style TA fill:#FF9B00
    style DONE fill:#99CC00
    click LE "https://github.com/HassoPlattnerInstituteHCI/unity-dualpanto-toolkit/blob/develop/README.md"
    click TA "https://discord.com"
    click MC "https://discord.com"

2. Rendering Haptics = DualPanto Firmware

  1. check mechanical configuration
  2. python -m unittest test_firmware.Haptics.test_line_wall WIP
  3. python -m unittest test_firmware.Kinematics.test_kinematics_sync WIP
  4. python -m unittest test_firmware.Haptics.test_force_field WIP
  5. python -m unittest test_firmware.Haptics.test_rail WIP
  6. python -m unittest test_firmware.Haptics.test_rectangle_obstacle WIP
  7. python -m unittest test_firmware.Haptics.test_diamond_obstacle WIP
  8. python -m unittest test_firmware.Haptics.test_moving_obstacle WIP
  • 1.Haptics.test_line_wall check dualpanto firmware can render simplest wall = line or not
  • 2.Kinematics.test_kiematics_sync check forward and inverse kinematics of dualpanto firmware works fine or not

3. Communication Protocol


4. Unity



This project is currenty under developement. For questions, please reach out to martin.taraz@hpi.de, shohei.katakura@hpi.de

For BIS students, please reach out shohei.katakura@hpi.de



Language:C++ 86.3%Language:JavaScript 7.1%Language:Python 3.3%Language:CMake 1.4%Language:C# 1.2%Language:Shell 0.6%Language:Batchfile 0.1%