HasinduLanka / screencorder

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Does this work? [Ubuntu 21.04 on Wayland]

riyadshauk opened this issue · comments

Does this work? After running publish.sh from master (but not pullgits.sh) I ran the app (./publish/linux.amd64/screencorder for me), then clicked the record button in the web-app, enabled screen recording and saw my screen in the webpage, then disabled screen recording, but I don't see anything recorded in the mp3 in the publish/linux.amd64/workspace folder -- it just plays in VLC for several seconds with no content at all (ie, just a cone background).

Thank you for trying Screencorder ❤️

When we run program using ./publish/linux.amd64/screencorder , the current working directory is the folder we are running the command. (Yeah it was my fault to design it like that)

As a fix, I changed the default working directory to $HOME/Video/screencorder
From now on, we will find the recorded videos inside that folder.

There were a few bugs since when I used MKV instead of WEBM format. Today I fixed them all. Now screencorder is stable as far as I tested.

Again, thank you for finding this bug.

Several .go and .js files changed. Make sure to sync git and clear browser site cache before testing again. (Screencorder has a service worker that caches website files for faster loading. Use CTRL+F5 to clear)

For development, you can just run

go run .

to start the program.

Further, I added a publish-local.sh for local publishing.

Awesome. I see the video now when I double-click on either of the generated *.mkv files, but I don't hear any audio. There's a *.wav file, but it seemingly has no content. No sound in any of the files still. Was the browser supposed to ask me for permission to use my microphone (because it didn't do that; only asked for permission for sharing the screen)? This behavior was with the entire screen and with selected windows on Firefox.

Also from Chromium andChrome, it only gives the option to record selected windows, not the entire screen (but still no audio).

A nit-pick, when creating the publish-local directory, it would be nice to keep it within the current repository, rather than creating it one level above, as you did in publish-local.sh (ie, mkdir -p ../publish-local/www should be mkdir -p ./publish-local/www). Then probably just add publish-local to the .gitignore.

It looks like there's an issue with audio input. Browser doesn't record audio; backend does. (Because browser doesn't have access to system audio).

If you see multiple *.mkv files, it means the final mkv file is not merged. Most probably because audio *.wav files are corrupted.

When starting the program, do you get a menu to select audio devices? Then can you please check with other devices.

If not, in the program output, can you find the line that says something like Excecute Task bash -c parec -d <audio device name> --file-format=wav <filename.wav> and run it in the console once and check if there's any sound that's recorded in it?

If not, it's likely to be something wrong with pulse audio installation. Try reinstalling it.

Interesting, I saw that line, it doesn't create a file when I click ctrl+c after. It gives a beeping sound every second or so, as if it's recording, plus outputs binary-looking data, but idk where it puts the file. I tried reinstalling with sudo apt reinstall pulseaudio but I get the same behavior.

I tried running the program with both connected audio devices earlier (option 0 and 1), no audio output/same behavior from both.