Harry260 / Harry260

Just To make my readme

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I'm Harry Tom and I'm a front end developer, Exploring the vast Internet and working on small projects. Learning new things, and trying to learn something new!
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✹ I’m currently working on Random things πŸ”­
✦ I’m currently learning Python, C++ and Backend! 🌱
❂ Ask me about Frontend and Web apps πŸ’¬
❃ How to reach me: πŸ“«
✫ Pronouns: he/him πŸ˜„
⚝ Fun fact: I'm just 14 ⚑
Harry Tom's Dev Card

πŸ“Š My Github stats

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Wikifox - Wikipedia reimagined - clean, simplified, powerful | Product Hunt Wikifox - Wikipedia reimagined - clean, simplified, powerful | Product Hunt

✌️ Me at the internet

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Just To make my readme