Hao (HaoLi111)


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Hao's repositories


https://h-li-projects.weebly.com/r-projects/intro-to-r-by-hao-li This is probably the very very first and basic step of getting into R. And decide if u are really going to learn it and what u are going to use it for. ​ If you are completely new to R, watch this. It covers from deciding whether and why to learn R to the major capabilities of R, with the basics explained with examples. Also, for a start of my tutorial video and blogs albums [R abuse], My GitHub page is github.com/HaoLi111 and the code in the videos available on https://github.com/HaoLi111/Intro-to-R/upload/master the video album on YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLtNK-YUNWpPivxs2J3kcD0_3ErAdb4hz To download R, just go to www.r-project.org to download Rstudio, www.rstudio.com



Example codes for my R tutorials covering some not-so-commonly-used functions of R and some solutions to various kinds of edgy but deadly issues. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?playnext=1&list=PLLtNK-YUNWpM_MN730sEcul34lqhp6WGn



Package: MFVN Type: Package Title: Multivariable Functions Visual & Numerical library Version: 0.1.1 Author: Hao Li Maintainer: Hao Li <lhrcplanes@qq.com> Description: MFVN offers a number of tools to apply certain function to multidimensional space, managing data and functions, calculate numerical derivatives & antiderivatives for multivatiable functions and create different visualizations. License: GPL V2.0 Encoding: UTF-8 LazyData: true



The rewritten R script for EgroCHK



This project is to create handy calculators to evaluate the planning of rooms, for example, the kitchen working triangle, the position of living room funitures to meet the egronomic need of interior design. To users: It can be used for checking how friendly a cerrtain way of interior design is, or compare different concepts, or just daily life uses (for example if I want to change a larger TV how should I move the sofas back). A user manual will be put in the same folder as a pdf or html file and videos for explanations, if I can better my oral English skills, will be uploaded later. To developers(If there is any): The mathematical models is briefly introduced in the manual.I used fortran f.95 for the first file of this project but it is very likely that other languages be used in the future to call fortran (for example, R for visualization). The primitive program does just look like a simple calculator in the command window(and there is no point to build a decorated GUI if it does not make the design process simplier or faster). For future development GUI may be used for visualization (plotting) or some interactions. But the essential part of this project is just a simple calculator.
