HaoHaoP / haohaop-backend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wiredcraft Back-end Developer Test

The project was built using the Express framework. And uses mongoDB database and uses mongoose to connect it.

Module used

  • Log: morgan
  • Database framework: mongoose
  • Field validation: express-validator
  • Unit test: chai + mocha + nyc
  • API Doc: API Doc

File structure

|-- test-backend
    |-- .git_template       // commit template
    |-- .eslintignore       // eslint ignore
    |-- .eslintrc.js        // eslint config
    |-- .gitignore          // git ignore
    |-- apidoc.json         // APIDoc config
    |-- app.js
    |-- package-lock.json
    |-- package.json
    |-- README.md
    |-- controllers         // controllers
    |   |-- user.js
    |-- database            // databae
    |   |-- db.js
    |   |-- models          // database models
    |       |-- counter.js
    |       |-- user.js
    |-- models              // models
    |   |-- result.js
    |-- public
    |-- routes              // routes
    |   |-- user.js
    |-- test                // unit test
    |   |-- app.spec.js
    |-- utils               // utils
        |-- constant.js


Test demo on the website Test and API Doc.

Server description

The service is deployed on Aliyun's serverless application center.Use Aliyun's Log Service to manage logs.

Front-end project URL


How to get started

Create MongoDB database

use dataDb
db.counter.insertOne({_id: 'userid', sequence_value: 1});
  _id: 1,
  name: 'Admin',
  dob: new Date(),
  address: '',
  description: '',
  createdAt: new Date(),

Edit DB_URL in database/db.js

const DB_USER = 'haohaop';
const PASSWORD = encodeURIComponent('19960718');
const DB_URL = `mongodb://${DB_USER}:${PASSWORD}@localhost:27017/dataDb?authSource=admin`;

Running demo

npm install
npm start





Language:JavaScript 70.1%Language:HTML 23.4%Language:CSS 6.5%