HanSolo / nameservice

A demo SpringBoot application to showcase JLink

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Use for showing possibilities to slim down Java docker images:

Build a docker image with a JDK and an Ubuntu base image: docker build . -t nameservice1:latest -f Dockerfile_Ubuntu_JDK

Build a docker image with a JRE and an Ubuntu base image: docker build . -t nameservice2:latest -f Dockerfile_Ubuntu_JRE

Build a docker image with a JLink created JRE and an Alpine Linux image: docker build . -t nameservice3:latest -f Dockerfile_Alpine_JLink

Use for showing CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint)


The nameservice is using SpringBoot to offer a REST endpoint that returns a given number of random names for either girls, boys or both.

The endpoint can be called as follows:


The expected result for this call will look like this:

{ "names":[{"name":"Abe","gender":"male"},{"name":"Baxter","gender":"male"},{"name":"Dylan","gender":"male"},{"name":"Lafayette","gender":"male"},{"name":"Marlin","gender":"male" ],"response_time":"701 ms"}

The response will also tell you how long it took to respond to the request. Because all names will be loaded the first time you request the service, it will take longer for the first call.

We added a dependency to the org.crac library that makes it possible to code against the CRaC api without the need for a JVM that supports CRaC. With this your code can make use of the Resource interface and in case you run the application on a CRaC enabled JVM, the CRaC related code will be called.

In this demo we will load all names in the beforeCheckpoint() method which means we do not even have to use the service but at the time of a checkpoint all names will be loaded in the allNames list. That means after a restore all names already have been loaded and we can directly start at full speed.

ATTENTION: THIS IS A DEMO!!! I know that you usually don't do this but it helps to understand.

The nameservice needs to load around 258 000 names from a json file the first time the service is called. The service provides methods to create a number of random names for boys, girls or both.

Setup the environment

  1. Download a JDK with support for CRaC e.g.
  1. Unpack the tar.gz file and copy the JDK in a folder
  • sudo tar zxvf zulu21.30.19-ca-crac-jdk21.0.1-linux_x64.tar.gz
  • mv zulu21.30.19-ca-crac-jdk21.0.1-linux_x64 zulu-21.jdk
  • sudo mv zulu-21.jdk /usr/lib/jvm
  1. Set the $JAVA_HOME environment variable to the JDK with CRaC support e.g.
  • export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/zulu-21.jdk
  1. Make sure you have the permissions to run CRIU
  • sudo chown root:root $JAVA_HOME/lib/criu
  • sudo chmod u+s $JAVA_HOME/lib/criu

Build the jar file on the target platform:

To create the jar file you need to build it on the target platform (Linux x64 or aarch64) using a JDK that supports CRaC. You can find builds here Azul.

  1. make sure you set JAVA_HOME to the JVM with CRaC support
  2. go the project folder
  3. run gradlew clean build
  4. Now you should find the the jar at build/libs/nameservice-21.0.0.jar
  5. This jar file will later be used to run on the docker container
  6. Make sure to select the correct JDK in the docker file (x64 or aarch64)

Login into docker:

docker login

Build docker image:

docker build -t nameservice -f Dockerfile_CRaC .

Commit image to dockerhub (optional):

e.g. docker commit container_id hansolo/nameservice:latest docker push hansolo/nameservice:latest

Use CRaC with a checkpoint in the docker container

1. Start the application in a docker container

  1. Open a shell window
  2. Run docker run -it --privileged --rm -p 8080:8080 --name nameservice nameservice
  3. In the docker container run java -XX:CRaCCheckpointTo=/opt/crac-files -jar /opt/app/nameservice-21.0.0.jar

2. Start a 2nd shell window and create the checkpoint

  1. Open a second shell window
  2. Run docker exec -it -u root nameservice /bin/bash
  3. Enable checkpoint compression export CRAC_CRIU_OPTS=--compress
  4. Execute top command and note the PID of the running java process
  5. Take the PID and run jcmd PID JDK.checkpoint
  6. In the first shell window the application should have created the checkpoint
  7. Check the folder /opt/crac-files for the checkpoint files being present
  8. In second shell window run exit to get back to your machine

3. Commit the current state of the docker container

  1. Now get the CONTAINER_ID from shell window 1 by execute docker ps -a in shell window 2
  2. Run docker commit CONTAINER_ID nameservice:checkpoint in shell window 2
  3. Exit the docker container in shell window 1 by executing exit

4. Run the docker container from the saved state incl. the checkpoint

Run docker image without checkpoint: docker run -it --privileged --rm -p 8080:8080 --name nameservice nameservice:checkpoint java -jar /opt/app/nameservice-21.0.0.jar

Run docker image with checkpoint: docker run -it --privileged --rm -p 8080:8080 --name nameservice nameservice:checkpoint java -XX:CRaCRestoreFrom=/opt/crac-files

5. Create a shell script to restore multiple times

  1. Open a shell window
  2. Create a text file named restore_nameservice.sh
  3. Add

echo "docker run -it --privileged --rm -p 8080:8080 --name $1 nameservice:checkpoint java -XX:CRaCRestoreFrom=/opt/crac-files"

docker run -it --privileged --rm -p 8080:8080 --name $1 nameservice:checkpoint java -XX:CRaCRestoreFrom=/opt/crac-files
  1. Make the script executable by executing chmod +x restore_nameservice.sh
  2. Now you can start the docker container multiple times executing restore_nameservice.sh NAME_OF_CONTAINER

If you would like to start the original container without the checkpoint you can still do that by executing the following command docker run -it --privileged --rm -p 8080:8080 --name nameservice nameservice:checkpoint java -jar /opt/app/nameservice-21.0.0.jar

Use CRaC with a checkpoint in an external volume

1. Create and use a docker volume

  1. Create a folder on the machine you run the docker image on e.g. mkdir /home/hansolo/docker_volume
  2. Create a docker volume: docker volume create --driver local --opt type=none --opt device=/home/hansolo/docker_volume --opt o=bind myvolume
  3. Run the docker using the volume: docker run -it --privileged --rm -v myvolume:/checkpoints -p 8080:8080 --name nameservice nameservice
  4. In the docker container enable checkpoint compression export CRAC_CRIU_OPTS=--compress
  5. In the docker container run java -XX:CRaCCheckpointTo=/checkpoints -jar /opt/app/nameservice-21.0.0.jar

2. Start a 2nd shell window and create the checkpoint

  1. Open a second shell window
  2. Run docker exec -it -u root nameservice /bin/bash
  3. Execute top command and note the PID of the running java process
  4. Take the PID and run jcmd PID JDK.checkpoint
  5. In the first shell window the application should have created the checkpoint
  6. Check the folder /checkpoints for the checkpoint files being present
  7. In second shell window run exit to get back to your machine

3. Exit 1st shell window

  1. In first shell window run exitto get back to your machine
  2. The checkpoint should now be in the folder you created e.g. /home/hansolo/docker_volume

4. Create and use a docker volume

  1. Create folder on the target machine e.g.: mkdir /Users/hansolo/docker_volume
  2. Copy the files from the former created checkpoint to this folder
  3. Create a docker volume on the target machine: docker volume create --driver local --opt type=none --opt device=/Users/hansolo/docker_volume --opt o=bind myvolume

5. Run the docker image with the checkpoint on the external volume

  1. Run the docker image docker run -it --privileged --rm -v myvolume:/checkpoints -p 8080:8080 --name nameservice nameservice:checkpoint java -XX:CRaCRestoreFrom=/checkpoints

Use CRaC with SpringBoot 3.2 automatic checkpoint at startup in an external volume

The checkpoint is created automatically at startup during the LifecycleProcessor.onRefresh phase. After this phase has completed, all non-lazy initialized singletons have been instantiated, and InitializingBean#afterPropertiesSet callbacks have been invoked but the lifecycle has not started, and the ContextRefreshEvent has not yet been published. In this case you don't need to implement the Resource interface because this will only affect the startup of the SpringBoot framework.

1. Create and use a docker volume

  1. Create a folder on the machine you run the docker image on e.g. mkdir /home/hansolo/docker_volume
  2. Create a docker volume: docker volume create --driver local --opt type=none --opt device=/home/hansolo/docker_volume --opt o=bind myvolume
  3. Run the docker using the volume: docker run -it --privileged --rm -v myvolume:/checkpoints -p 8080:8080 --name nameservice nameservice
  4. In the docker container enable checkpoint compression export CRAC_CRIU_OPTS=--compress
  5. In the docker container run java -Dspring.context.checkpoint=onRefresh -XX:CRaCCheckpointTo=/checkpoints -jar /opt/app/nameservice-21.0.0.jar

2. Exit 1st shell window

  1. In first shell window run exitto get back to your machine
  2. The checkpoint should now be in the folder you created e.g. /home/hansolo/docker_volume

3. Create and use a docker volume

  1. Create folder on the target machine e.g.: mkdir /Users/hansolo/docker_volume
  2. Copy the files from the former created checkpoint to this folder
  3. Create a docker volume on the target machine: docker volume create --driver local --opt type=none --opt device=/Users/hansolo/docker_volume --opt o=bind myvolume

5. Run the docker image with the checkpoint on the external volume

  1. Run the docker image docker run -it --privileged --rm -v myvolume:/checkpoints -p 8080:8080 --name nameservice nameservice:checkpoint java -XX:CRaCRestoreFrom=/checkpoints

Use CRaC with SpringBoot 3.2 automatic checkpoint at startup locally (need to run on Linux + JDK with CRaC)

  1. Start the application normally
  • bash start.sh

  1. Start the application and automatically create a snapshot
  • bash start-autocrac.sh

  1. Restore the application from the stored checkpoint
  • bash restore-autocrac.sh


A demo SpringBoot application to showcase JLink


Language:Java 69.7%Language:Shell 30.3%