HamedStack / HamedStack.AzureLogicApps.TypeScript

A library designed for Azure Logic Apps, providing the capability to retrieve comprehensive details of a workflow run and allowing the execution of JSONPath queries on these details, all while ensuring complete TypeScript support.

Repository from Github https://github.comHamedStack/HamedStack.AzureLogicApps.TypeScriptRepository from Github https://github.comHamedStack/HamedStack.AzureLogicApps.TypeScript


A library to access all details of a workflow run with executing JSONPath query on the details.


You have access to the following APIs.


By using this API you can login and fetch the workflow details.

let alam = new AzureLogicAppsManagement(
    // Your Azure security info
    clientId: "",
    clientSecret: "",
    subscriptionId: "",
    tenantId: "",
export interface AzureAccountInfo {
    tenantId: string;
    clientId: string;
    clientSecret: string;
    subscriptionId: string;
    apiVersion?: string;

Workflow Detail

By call it you will get all information of most recent workflow run of your workflow.

AzureWorkflowDetail details = await alam.getLastWorkflowDetail(
    /*(azureWorkflowInfo: AzureWorkflowInfo, actionsFilter: "input" | "output" | "both" = "both"): Promise<AzureWorkflowDetail | undefined>*/
        // Available via Azure Portal
        workflowName: '',
        resourceGroup: '',

it returns

export interface AzureWorkflowDetail {
    trigger: AzureTriggerData;
    actions: AzureWorkflowRunActionData[];
    workflowRun: WorkflowRun;
export interface AzureTriggerData {
    name: string | undefined;
    input: Json | undefined;
    output: Json | undefined;
    trigger: WorkflowRunTrigger | undefined;
    isSuccessful: boolean;
    status: string | undefined;
export interface AzureWorkflowRunActionData {
    order: number,
    name: string;
    input?: Json | undefined;
    output?: Json | undefined;
    action?: WorkflowRunAction;
    status: string | undefined;
    parents?: string[];
    isSuccessful: boolean;

Query Execution

// Returns any
const result = await alam.executeQueryOnWorkflowDetail(
  /* (AzureWorkflowDetail, string | undefined, JsonPathQuerySection, string): Promise<any[] | undefined> */

  details, // Workflow details

  // Action name, trigger name or undefind for WorkflowRun
  // Same name of Azure Logic App UI but with underscore instead of whitespace.

  // Query on Action, ActionInput, ActionOutput, Trigger, TriggerInput, TriggerOutput, WorkflowRun
  // Items of Workflow details object.

  "$..value" // JSONPath

Get First Match

This method find first match workflow among all available workflows based on conditions.

WorkflowRun wf = await alam.findWorkflowRunOnFirstMatch({
    /* (AzureWorkflowInfo, string | undefined, string, conditions: ((v: any) => boolean)[], filter?: string, top?: number): Promise<WorkflowRun | undefined>*/
    workflowName: '...',
    resourceGroup: '...'
  }, "Initialize_variable", // Action Name
    "$..value", // Json path inside your Input Action
    [x => x == ?], // array of conditions to match (if one of them matches you will get result)
    undefined // filter you can pass
    undefined // top option
getWorkflowRunOnFirstMatch(azureWorkflowInfo: AzureWorkflowInfo, workflowRuns: WorkflowRun[], inputActionName: string | undefined, jsonPath: string, conditions: ((v: any) => boolean)[]): Promise<WorkflowRun | undefined>

Same as findWorkflowRunOnFirstMatch but accepts workflowRuns as a parameter to check your in-memory object.

Analysis the workflow run

analysisAzureWorkflowDetail(azureWorkflowDetail: AzureWorkflowDetail): AzureWorkflowDetailResult

To analysis and get report from an AzureWorkflowDetail you should use it.

export interface AzureWorkflowDetailResult {
    isSuccessful: boolean; //overal status
    details: AzureWorkflowDetailItemResult[];
    errors: string[] | undefined; // error messages
export interface AzureWorkflowDetailItemResult {
    isSuccessful: boolean;
    type: "WorkflowRun" | "Action" | "Trigger";
    object: AzureTriggerData | AzureWorkflowRunActionData | WorkflowRun


import {
} from "@hamedstack/azure-logic-apps";

let alam: AzureLogicAppManagement;
let details: AzureWorkflowDetails;
describe("Sample", () => {
  beforeAll(async () => {
    alam = new AzureLogicAppsManagement({
      clientId: "...",
      clientSecret: "...",
      subscriptionId: "...",
      tenantId: "...",

    detail = await alam.getLastWorkflowDetail({
      workflowName: "my-wf",
      resourceGroup: "rg-testing",
  it("getting data from Logic App", async () => {

    // Always returns an array
    const result = await alam.executeQueryOnWorkflowDetail(
      "Initialize_variable_2" /* or 'Initialize variable 2' */,

    const report = alam.analysisAzureWorkflowDetail(detail);
    // Checking overal status

    // Checking details
    expect(result[0]).toEqual(3); // value should be 3


A library designed for Azure Logic Apps, providing the capability to retrieve comprehensive details of a workflow run and allowing the execution of JSONPath queries on these details, all while ensuring complete TypeScript support.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 96.9%Language:JavaScript 3.1%