Hamaozil / Morse-Code-Translator

I have made hardware project that able to translate more code , Interesting isn't it !?

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I have done an Arduino hardware project that is able to translate morse code, Interesting isn't it !?

so what is more code !?

To those who don't know about it let me quickly explain it.

Morse is about sending data in the form of dots . and dashes -.

I have connected it with Python to be able to say whatever user type.

To be able to use my code you have to install these libraries

  1. for getting data from Arduino serial :
  • pip install pyserial
  1. for saying letters or words :
  • pip install pyttsx3

Hardware used :

  1. Arduino nano
  2. LCD for displaying
  3. Hall effect sensor (49E) / magnetic sensor
  4. 3 small magnets
  5. jumpers


I have made hardware project that able to translate more code , Interesting isn't it !?


Language:C++ 82.9%Language:Python 17.1%