Hal47 / bintool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A very hacky tool to unpack CoX packed bins and such.


Just needs nim and vs2008 in my case. You definitely need to edit in bintool.nim the passC and passL to fit your build includes/libs, vc version.

How to add a new .bin:

Run the command without any options, just the bin file you wanna extract, to dump file list

bitool.exe mybin.bin

This will tell you how to approach the next step:

If it's a single file:


of "dialogdefs":
  var data: DialogDefList
  readOrWriteBin parseDialogDefList, data

if your bin is mybin.bin

replace of "dialogdefs" with of "mybin"

figure out what token structs you need from .c files and past them somewhere/ create a new file in tokens (see tokens and parseinfo)

add them in parseinfo.nim, generally in this case you just need for example:

// Global DialogDefs
typedef struct DialogDefList
	const DialogDef**	dialogs;
	cStashTable			haDialogCRCs;
} DialogDefList;

TokenizerParseInfo ParseDialogDefList[] = {
	{ "Dialog",		TOK_STRUCT(DialogDefList,dialogs,ParseDialogDef) },
	{ "", 0, 0 }

given this C code you need to create a DialogDefList stub pure type

DialogDefList {.importc: "DialogDefList", pure.} = object

and the static parser var:

parseDialogDefList {.importc: "ParseDialogDefList", nodecl.}: ptr ParseTable

good to go, now build and run with a -o:filename option

If it's multiple files:

Same steps as single files but you need 2 more things...


of "particles":
  var data: ParticleInfoList
  # readOrWriteBin particleParseInfo, data
  # outputPath = outputPath / "Scripts.loc"
  readAndWriteMultiple particleParseInfo, systemParseInfo, data, data.list, "System"

as you can see we also need the inner struct, which represents a single record in many of the extracted files...

in this case systemParseInfo and data.list type

if you check parseinfo.nim:

ParticleInfoList {.importc: "ParticleInfoList", pure.} = object
    list: ptr UncheckedArray[ptr SystemParseInfo]

we add a member to this type, nim internally doesn't care that the struct is not complete btw, this is just sugar.

Known issues

Nim compiler might freeze if some C related error happens, in such case check cache folder for bintool.c, copy paste the actual full compiler command line and run that manually, should reveal the actual c compiler error.

Source modifications I did (might have missed some)

missionspec.c modifications

diff --git a/MapServer/storyarc/missionspec.c b/MapServer/storyarc/missionspec.c
index 4570d70..e1d5d89 100644
--- a/MapServer/storyarc/missionspec.c
+++ b/MapServer/storyarc/missionspec.c
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ TokenizerParseInfo ParseMapMissionSpec[] =
 	{	"}",		TOK_END },
 	// vars from ParseSetMissionSpec have to be here to get written..
-	{	"",			TOK_INT(MissionSpec, mapSet,0)	},
-	{	"",			TOK_INT(MissionSpec, mapSetTime,0)	},
+	{	"MapSet",			TOK_INT(MissionSpec, mapSet,0), ParseMapSetEnum	},
+	{	"MapSetTime",			TOK_INT(MissionSpec, mapSetTime,0)	},
 	{	"", 0, 0 }

Generally I run with this, but might not be needed depending on your branch:

diff --git a/libs/UtilitiesLib/utils/file.c b/libs/UtilitiesLib/utils/file.c
index da47d08..bce0da5 100644
--- a/libs/UtilitiesLib/utils/file.c
+++ b/libs/UtilitiesLib/utils/file.c
@@ -3009,7 +3009,7 @@ int fileIsUsingDevData(void) { // Returns 1 if we're in development mode, 0 if i
// and after command line parameters are parsed which will change the
// value of g_force_production_mode.
// CoC we only got bins.. this makes our life easier, must be set to 0 when generating bins!
-int g_force_production_mode = 1;
+int g_force_production_mode = 0;
int g_force_qa_mode = 0;
int isDevelopmentMode(void)

Textparser definitely needs this fix also:

diff --git a/libs/UtilitiesLib/utils/textparser.c b/libs/UtilitiesLib/utils/textparser.c
index 6f40b21..b83fb49 100644
--- a/libs/UtilitiesLib/utils/textparser.c
+++ b/libs/UtilitiesLib/utils/textparser.c
@@ -5364,6 +5364,7 @@ void condrgb_writetext(FILE* out, ParseTable tpi[], int column, void* structptr,
 	WriteUInt(out, c->g, 0, 0, tpi[column].subtable);
 	WriteString(out, ", ", 0, 0);
 	WriteUInt(out, c->b, 0, 0, tpi[column].subtable);
+	WriteString(out, "", 0, 1);
 void vec3_applydynop(ParseTable tpi[], int column, void* dstStruct, void* srcStruct, int index, DynOpType optype, const F32* values, U8 uiValuesSpecd, U32* seed)

Might need to mute translation errors too:

diff --git a/libs/UtilitiesLib/language/MessageStore.c b/libs/UtilitiesLib/language/MessageStore.c
index 6ec78a8..74fc9f5 100644
--- a/libs/UtilitiesLib/language/MessageStore.c
+++ b/libs/UtilitiesLib/language/MessageStore.c
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ typedef struct ExtendedTextMessage {
 int						msPrintfError;	// True when the messageID is unknown.
 static MessageStore*	cmdMessages;
 static U8				UTF8BOM[] = {0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF};
-static int				hideTranslationErrors;
+static int				hideTranslationErrors = 1; // CoC default to hide
 typedef struct MessageStore {
 	int								localeID;					// locale ID corresponding to those in AppLocale.h



Language:Nim 100.0%