Haiko333 / invites-tracker-discord

Track Discord invites to know who invited who and with which invite!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Track the invites in your servers to know who invited who and with which invite!


npm install @androz2091/discord-invites-tracker
# or
yarn add @androz2091/discord-invites-tracker


const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client({
    intents: [Discord.GatewayIntentBits.Guilds]

const InvitesTracker = require('@androz2091/discord-invites-tracker');
const tracker = InvitesTracker.init(client, {
    fetchGuilds: true,
    fetchVanity: true,
    fetchAuditLogs: true

tracker.on('guildMemberAdd', (member, type, invite) => {

    const welcomeChannel = member.guild.channels.cache.find((ch) => ch.name === 'welcome');

    if(type === 'normal'){
        welcomeChannel.send(`Welcome ${member}! You were invited by ${invite.inviter.username}!`);

    else if(type === 'vanity'){
        welcomeChannel.send(`Welcome ${member}! You joined using a custom invite!`);

    else if(type === 'permissions'){
        welcomeChannel.send(`Welcome ${member}! I can't figure out how you joined because I don't have the "Manage Server" permission!`);

    else if(type === 'unknown'){
        welcomeChannel.send(`Welcome ${member}! I can't figure out how you joined the server...`);



Different join types available:

  • normal - When a member joins using an invite and the package knows who invited the member (invite is available).
  • vanity - When a member joins using an invite with a custom URL (for example https://discord.gg/discord-api).
  • permissions - When a member joins but the bot doesn't have the MANAGE_GUILD permission.
  • unknown - When a member joins but the bot doesn't know how they joined.

Ignoring guilds

const InvitesTracker = require('@androz2091/discord-invites-tracker');
const tracker = InvitesTracker.init(client, {
    fetchGuilds: true,
    fetchVanity: true,
    fetchAuditLogs: true,

    // servers that contain "nude" in their name will not be processed
    exemptGuild: (guild) => guild.name.includes('nude')


Track Discord invites to know who invited who and with which invite!


Language:TypeScript 94.9%Language:JavaScript 5.1%