Haifisch / Enclave-Bootloader

enclave bootloader src tree

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Enclave Bootloader + OS src tree

Never really got this to where I wanted it to be, whatever I guess.

Getting started


All the custom build scripts are for Windows and hackily refernce CLI tools such as Make statically. However, the all main arm-none-eabi-* toolchain building should be pretty standard for any OS.

General Build Options

QEMU_BUILD=1 --- Build bootloader for QEMU

DEBUG=1 --- Enables UART output along with a few other debug operations

QEMU Build Routine

Make sure you're linking against the qemu.ld script in both the STM32F1 and EnclaveOS subprojects and QEMU_BUILD=1 is set in STM32F1/hardware.h

The bootloader wants an ECID at runtime for signature validation, using dfuimagemaker just include the -e arguement with all F's. This will sign the firmware for that the QEMU ECID, on QEMU builds the ECID is set to 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' and slaps it in an image container (See Signing Enforcement)

e.g dfuimagemaker/imagemaker -f EnclaveOS/main.bin -t EDOS -v 0x41 -e FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -p development -o signed_image.dfu

Now you need to stitch the main OS to the bootloader with generate_dfu_firmware.py

e.g python generate_dfu_firmware.py STM32F1/build/enclave_stage1.bin signed_image.dfu qemu_image.bin

Generic STM32F103 ARM Board

Make sure you're linking the proper ld script in both the STM32F1 and EnclaveOS subprojects and QEMU_BUILD=0 is set in STM32F1/hardware.h

At the moment theres no utility to get the Unique ID (our ECID) from the boards, consider that a TODO.

The bootloader wants an ECID at runtime for signature validation, using dfuimagemaker just include the -e arguement with the boards ECID. This will sign the firmware for that boards ECID and slaps it in an image container (See Signing Enforcement)

e.g dfuimagemaker/imagemaker -f EnclaveOS/main.bin -t EDOS -v 0x41 -e FF566725748887167142607 -p development -o signed_image.dfu

Flash the STM32F1 bootloader to 0x08000000

Using the Enclave DFU Flasher, upload the signed main OS image to the board over USB

Signing Enforcement

On DFU upload and on boot the secondary main OS image data is hashed completely -- before calling sha256_finish we hash in the ECID as well.

Basic boot validation scheme flow


If the validation fails on DFU upload the device wipes the main OS flash pages (however this is currently broken) and returns to the DFU mode spin. If the validation fails on boot then we spin in DFU mode assuming the main OS has been tampered with, expects a reupload and revalidation.

dfuimagemaker does all the hashing and then Ed25519 signs it with our "rootCA" then puts the data in its image container with the signature with its tag in the header


Lots and lots to do

Enclave OS
  • Replace EnclaveOS c standard std with a smaller (safer?) implementation
    • Axle's implementaiton is mad decent, hopefully we can lib-ize that for our needs
STMF32F1 bootloader
  • Move the rootCA public key to read only storage
    • We probably just lock write on the flash pages for the bootloader second after flashing
  • Pass boot arguements to the Enclave OS


enclave bootloader src tree


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