Hades-ak1 / vulmap

Vulmap 是一款 web 漏洞扫描和验证工具, 可对 webapps 进行漏洞扫描, 并且具备漏洞验证功能

Home Page:https://github.com/zhzyker/vulmap

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🌟 Vulmap - Web vulnerability scanning and verification tools

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[Click here for the English Version]

Vulmap 是一款 web 漏洞扫描和验证工具, 可对 webapps 进行漏洞扫描, 并且具备漏洞利用功能, 目前支持的 webapps 包括 activemq, flink, shiro, solr, struts2, tomcat, unomi, drupal, elasticsearch, fastjson, jenkins, nexus, weblogic, jboss, spring, thinkphp

Vulmap 将漏洞扫描与验证(漏洞利用)结合到了一起, 及大程度便于测试人员在发现漏洞后及时进行下一步操作, 工具追求于于高效、便捷
高效: 逐步开发中慢慢引入了批量扫描、Fofa、Shodan 批量扫描, 且支持多线程默认开启协程, 以最快的速度扫描大量资产
便捷: 发现漏洞即可利用, 大量资产扫描可多格式输出结果

Vulmap 0.8 版本开始支持对 dismap 识别结果文件直接进行漏洞扫描 -f output.txt

🛒 Installation

操作系统中必须有 python3, 推荐 python3.8 或者更高版本

# git 或前往 release 获取原码
git clone https://github.com/zhzyker/vulmap.git
# 安装所需的 python 依赖
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Linux & MacOS & Windows
python3 vulmap.py -u http://example.com

配置 Fofa Api && Shodan Api && Ceye

使用 Fofa or Shodan 需要修改 vulmap.py 中的配置信息:

# 把xxxxxxxxxx替换成fofa的邮箱
globals.set_value("fofa_email", "xxxxxxxxxx")  
# 把xxxxxxxxxx替换成fofa的key
globals.set_value("fofa_key", "xxxxxxxxxx")  
# 把xxxxxxxxxx替换成自己shodan的key
globals.set_value("shodan_key", "xxxxxxxxxx")  
# 把xxxxxxxxxx替换为自己的域名
# 把xxxxxxxxxx替换自己ceye的token
globals.set_value("ceye_token", "xxxxxxxxxx")  

📑 Licenses





在使用本工具前,请您务必审慎阅读、充分理解各条款内容,限制、免责条款或者其他涉及您重大权益的条款可能会以加粗、加下划线等形式提示您重点注意。 除非您已充分阅读、完全理解并接受本协议所有条款,否则,请您不要使用本工具。您的使用行为或者您以其他任何明示或者默示方式表示接受本协议的,即视为您已阅读并同意本协议的约束。

📺 Video demo

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4czwS1Snc4
Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Fy4y1v7rd
Gif: https://github.com/zhzyker/vulmap/blob/main/images/vulmap-0.5-demo-gif.gif

🙋 Discussion


🔧 Options

  -h, --help            显示此帮助消息并退出
  -u URL, --url URL     目标 URL (e.g. -u "http://example.com")
  -f FILE, --file FILE  选择一个目标列表文件,每个url必须用行来区分 (e.g. -f "/home/user/list.txt")
  --fofa keyword        使用 fofa api 批量扫描 (e.g. --fofa "app=Apache-Shiro")
  --shodan keyword      使用 shodan api 批量扫描 (e.g. --shodan "Shiro")
  -m MODE, --mode MODE  模式支持"poc"和"exp",可以省略此选项,默认进入"poc"模式
  -a APP [APP ...]      指定 webapps(e.g. "weblogic")不指定则自动指纹识别
  -c CMD, --cmd CMD     自定义远程命令执行执行的命令,默认是echo随机md5
  -v VULN, --vuln VULN  利用漏洞,需要指定漏洞编号 (e.g. -v "CVE-2019-2729")
  -t NUM, --thread NUM  扫描线程数量,默认10线程
  --dnslog server       dnslog 服务器 (hyuga,dnslog,ceye) 默认自动轮询
  --output-text file    扫描结果输出到 txt 文件 (e.g. "result.txt")
  --output-json file    扫描结果输出到 json 文件 (e.g. "result.json")
  --proxy-socks SOCKS   使用 socks 代理 (e.g. --proxy-socks
  --proxy-http HTTP     使用 http 代理 (e.g. --proxy-http
  --user-agent UA       允许自定义 User-Agent
  --fofa-size SIZE      fofa api 调用资产数量,默认100,可用(1-10000)
  --delay DELAY         延时时间,每隔多久发送一次,默认 0s
  --timeout TIMEOUT     超时时间,默认 5s
  --list                显示支持的漏洞列表
  --debug               exp 模式显示 request 和 responses, poc 模式显示扫描漏洞列表
  --check               目标存活检测 (on and off), 默认是 on

🐾 Examples

# 测试所有漏洞 poc 不指定 -a all 将默认开启指纹识别
python3 vulmap.py -u http://example.com

# 检查站点是否存在 struts2 漏洞
python3 vulmap.py -u http://example.com -a struts2

# 对 http://example.com:7001 进行 WebLogic 的 CVE-2019-2729 漏洞利用
python3 vulmap.py -u http://example.com:7001 -v CVE-2019-2729
python3 vulmap.py -u http://example.com:7001 -m exp -v CVE-2019-2729

# 批量扫描 list.txt 中的 url
python3 vulmap.py -f list.txt

# 扫描结果导出到 result.json
python3 vulmap.py -u http://example.com:7001 --output-json result.json

# 调用 fofa api 批量扫描
python3 vulmap.py --fofa app=Apache-Shiro

🍵 Vulnerabilitys List

支持的漏洞列表 [点击展开]
 | Target type       | Vuln Name        | Poc | Exp | Impact Version && Vulnerability description                 |
 | Apache ActiveMQ   | CVE-2015-5254    |  Y  |  N  | < 5.13.0, deserialization remote code execution             |
 | Apache ActiveMQ   | CVE-2016-3088    |  Y  |  Y  | < 5.14.0, http put&move upload webshell                     |
 | Apache Druid      | CVE-2021-25646   |  Y  |  Y  | < 0.20.1, apache druid console remote code execution        |
 | Apache Flink      | CVE-2020-17518   |  Y  |  N  | < 1.11.3 or < 1.12.0, upload path traversal                 |
 | Apache Flink      | CVE-2020-17519   |  Y  |  Y  | 1.5.1 - 1.11.2, 'jobmanager/logs' path traversal            |
 | Apache OFBiz      | CVE-2021-26295   |  Y  |  N  | < 17.12.06, rmi deserializes arbitrary code execution       |
 | Apache OFBiz      | CVE-2021-29200   |  Y  |  N  | < 17.12.07, rmi deserializes arbitrary code execution       |
 | Apache OFBiz      | CVE-2021-30128   |  Y  |  Y  | < 17.12.07, deserialize remote command execution            | 
 | Apache Shiro      | CVE-2016-4437    |  Y  |  Y  | <= 1.2.4, shiro-550, rememberme deserialization rce         |
 | Apache Solr       | CVE-2017-12629   |  Y  |  Y  | < 7.1.0, runexecutablelistener rce & xxe, only rce is here  |
 | Apache Solr       | CVE-2019-0193    |  Y  |  N  | < 8.2.0, dataimporthandler module remote code execution     |
 | Apache Solr       | CVE-2019-17558   |  Y  |  Y  | 5.0.0 - 8.3.1, velocity response writer rce                 |
 | Apache Solr       | time-2021-0318   |  Y  |  Y  | all, apache solr arbitrary file reading                     |
 | Apache Solr       | CVE-2021-27905   |  Y  |  N  | 7.0.0-7.7.3, 8.0.0-8.8.1, replication handler ssrf          |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-005           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.0 -, cve-2010-1870 parameters interceptor rce   |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-008           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.0 - 2.3.17, debugging interceptor rce                   |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-009           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.1.0 -, cve-2011-3923 ognl interpreter rce         |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-013           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.0 -, cve-2013-1966 ognl interpreter rce        |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-015           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.0 -, cve-2013-2134 ognl interpreter rce        |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-016           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.0 - 2.3.15, cve-2013-2251 ognl interpreter rce          |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-029           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.0 -, ognl interpreter rce                      |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-032           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.3.20-28, cve-2016-3081 rce can be performed via method    |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-045           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.3.5-31, 2.5.0-10, cve-2017-5638 jakarta multipart rce     |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-046           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.3.5-31, 2.5.0-10, cve-2017-5638 jakarta multipart rce     |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-048           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.3.x, cve-2017-9791 struts2-struts1-plugin rce             |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-052           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.1.2 - 2.3.33, 2.5 - 2.5.12 cve-2017-9805 rest plugin rce  |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-057           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.4 - 2.3.34, 2.5.0-2.5.16, cve-2018-11776 namespace rce  |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-059           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.0 - 2.5.20, cve-2019-0230 ognl interpreter rce          |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-061           |  Y  |  Y  | 2.0.0-2.5.25, cve-2020-17530 ognl interpreter rce           |
 | Apache Struts2    | S2-devMode       |  Y  |  Y  | 2.1.0 - 2.5.1, devmode remote code execution                |
 | Apache Tomcat     | Examples File    |  Y  |  N  | all version, /examples/servlets/servlet                     |
 | Apache Tomcat     | CVE-2017-12615   |  Y  |  Y  | 7.0.0 - 7.0.81, put method any files upload                 |
 | Apache Tomcat     | CVE-2020-1938    |  Y  |  Y  | 6, 7 < 7.0.100, 8 < 8.5.51, 9 < 9.0.31 arbitrary file read  |
 | Apache Unomi      | CVE-2020-13942   |  Y  |  Y  | < 1.5.2, apache unomi remote code execution                 |
 | CoreMail          | time-2021-0414   |  Y  |  N  | Coremail configuration information disclosure vulnerability |
 | Drupal            | CVE-2018-7600    |  Y  |  Y  | 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, drupalgeddon2 remote code execution          |
 | Drupal            | CVE-2018-7602    |  Y  |  Y  | < 7.59, < 8.5.3 (except 8.4.8) drupalgeddon2 rce            |
 | Drupal            | CVE-2019-6340    |  Y  |  Y  | < 8.6.10, drupal core restful remote code execution         |
 | Ecology           | time-2021-0515   |  Y  |  Y  | <= 9.0, e-cology oa workflowservicexml rce                  |
 | Elasticsearch     | CVE-2014-3120    |  Y  |  Y  | < 1.2, elasticsearch remote code execution                  |
 | Elasticsearch     | CVE-2015-1427    |  Y  |  Y  | < 1.3.7, < 1.4.3, elasticsearch remote code execution       |
 | Exchange          | CVE-2021-26855   |  Y  |  N  | 2010 2013 2016 2019, microsoft exchange server ssrf         |
 | Exchange          | CVE-2021-27065   |  Y  |  Y  | 2010 2013 2016 2019, exchange arbitrary file write          |
 | Eyou Email        | CNVD-2021-26422  |  Y  |  Y  | eyou email system has remote command execution              |
 | F5 BIG-IP         | CVE-2020-5902    |  Y  |  Y  | < 11.6.x, f5 big-ip remote code execution                   |
 | F5 BIG-IP         | CVE-2021-22986   |  Y  |  Y  | < 16.0.1, f5 big-ip remote code execution                   |
 | Fastjson          | VER-1224-1       |  Y  |  Y  | <= 1.2.24 fastjson parse object remote code execution       |
 | Fastjson          | VER-1224-2       |  Y  |  Y  | <= 1.2.24 fastjson parse object remote code execution       |
 | Fastjson          | VER-1224-3       |  Y  |  Y  | <= 1.2.24 fastjson parse object remote code execution       |
 | Fastjson          | VER-1247         |  Y  |  Y  | <= 1.2.47 fastjson autotype remote code execution           |
 | Fsatjson          | VER-1262         |  Y  |  Y  | <= 1.2.62 fastjson autotype remote code execution           |
 | Jenkins           | CVE-2017-1000353 |  Y  |  N  | <= 2.56, LTS <= 2.46.1, jenkins-ci remote code execution    |
 | Jenkins           | CVE-2018-1000861 |  Y  |  Y  | <= 2.153, LTS <= 2.138.3, remote code execution             |
 | Laravel           | CVE-2018-15133   |  N  |  Y  | 5.5.x <= 5.5.40, 5.6.x <= 5.6.29, laravel get app_key rce   |
 | Laravel           | CVE-2021-3129    |  Y  |  N  | ignition <= 2.5.1, laravel debug mode remote code execution |
 | Nexus OSS/Pro     | CVE-2019-7238    |  Y  |  Y  | 3.6.2 - 3.14.0, remote code execution vulnerability         |
 | Nexus OSS/Pro     | CVE-2020-10199   |  Y  |  Y  | 3.x <= 3.21.1, remote code execution vulnerability          |
 | Node.JS           | CVE-2021-21315   |  Y  |  N  | systeminformation < 5.3.1, node.js command injection        |
 | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2014-4210    |  Y  |  N  | 10.0.2 - 10.3.6, weblogic ssrf vulnerability                |
 | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2016-0638    |  Y  |  N  |, 12.2.1-3, t3 deserialization rce                  |
 | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2017-3506    |  Y  |  Y  |,,, weblogic wls-wsat rce       |
 | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2017-10271   |  Y  |  Y  |,,, weblogic wls-wsat rce       |
 | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2018-2894    |  Y  |  Y  |,, deserialization any file upload       |
 | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2018-3191    |  Y  |  N  |,,, t3 deserialization rce        |
 | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2019-2725    |  Y  |  Y  |,, weblogic wls9-async deserialization rce |
 | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2019-2890    |  Y  |  N  |,,, t3 deserialization rce        |
 | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2019-2729    |  Y  |  Y  |,, wls9-async deserialization rce |
 | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2020-2551    |  Y  |  N  |,,, wlscore deserialization rce |
 | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2020-2555    |  Y  |  Y  |,,, t3 deserialization rce  |
 | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2020-2883    |  Y  |  Y  |,,, iiop t3 deserialization rce |
 | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2020-14882   |  Y  |  Y  |,,,, console rce       |
 | Oracle Weblogic   | CVE-2020-2109    |  Y  |  Y  |,,,, unauthorized jndi |
 | QiAnXin           | time-2021-0410   |  Y  |  Y  | qianxin ns-ngfw netkang next generation firewall front rce  |
 | RedHat JBoss      | CVE-2010-0738    |  Y  |  Y  | 4.2.0 - 4.3.0, jmx-console deserialization any files upload |
 | RedHat JBoss      | CVE-2010-1428    |  Y  |  Y  | 4.2.0 - 4.3.0, web-console deserialization any files upload |
 | RedHat JBoss      | CVE-2015-7501    |  Y  |  Y  | 5.x, 6.x, jmxinvokerservlet deserialization any file upload |
 | RuiJie            | time_2021_0424   |  Y  |  N  | get account password, background rce                        |
 | Saltstack         | CVE-2021-25282   |  Y  |  Y  | < 3002.5, saltStack arbitrary file writing vulnerability    |
 | Spring Data       | CVE-2018-1273    |  Y  |  Y  | 1.13 - 1.13.10, 2.0 - 2.0.5, spring data commons rce        |
 | Spring Cloud      | CVE-2019-3799    |  Y  |  Y  | 2.1.0-2.1.1, 2.0.0-2.0.3, 1.4.0-1.4.5, directory traversal  |
 | Spring Cloud      | CVE-2020-5410    |  Y  |  Y  | < 2.2.3, < 2.1.9, directory traversal vulnerability         |
 | ThinkPHP          | CVE-2019-9082    |  Y  |  Y  | < 3.2.4, thinkphp rememberme deserialization rce            |
 | ThinkPHP          | CVE-2018-20062   |  Y  |  Y  | <= 5.0.23, 5.1.31, thinkphp rememberme deserialization rce  |
 | Vmware vCenter    | time-2020-1013   |  Y  |  N  | <= 6.5u1, vmware vcenter arbitrary file reading (not cve)   |
 | Vmware vCenter    | CVE-2021-21972   |  Y  |  Y  | 7.0 < 7.0U1c, 6.7 < 6.7U3l, 6.5 < 6.5U3n, any file upload   |
 | VMware vRealize   | CVE-2021-21975   |  Y  |  N  | <= 8.3.0, vmware vrealize operations manager api ssrf       |

🐟 Docker

docker build -t vulmap/vulmap .
docker run --rm -ti vulmap/vulmap  python vulmap.py -u https://www.example.com


Vulmap 是一款 web 漏洞扫描和验证工具, 可对 webapps 进行漏洞扫描, 并且具备漏洞验证功能


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%