HackShitUp / Theory-Comp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


General project setup. To run these programs on Erdos (fordham's server), understand how to execute commands.

Copying Contents from Local to Remote Server

To copy the contents from a local machine to a remote server, simply execute the following command from the CLI (no need to SSH first, this command will ask for the password/key before executing):

scp -r /path/to/local/directory username@domain.host.server:path/to/copy/contents/of/directory

Copying Contents from Remote Server to Local

Likewise, to copy the contents from a remote server to a local machine, simply execute the following command from the CLI (no need to SSH first, this command will ask for the password/key before executing):

scp -r username@domain.host.server:path/to/copy/contents/of/directory /path/to/local/directory 


To edit files, you can use vim.

Editing Files

To edit (or create) the file, simply execute the following command:

nano name_of_file.extension

You may also use the command touch to create a new file. Visit this link to learn more[https://openclassrooms.com/en/courses/4614926-learn-the-command-line-in-terminal/4634381-move-and-copy-items-in-your-system].

Executing Locally — Mac OS LLVM/Clang

To execute the program locally, cd to the project source and compile the program first with the Makefile:

make clean

An executable will build. To run it:

./NameOfExecutable [Parameter; If any]



Language:C++ 91.2%Language:Makefile 8.8%