HaBaLeS / yacm

Yet Another Cyber MAp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This cybermap is very cyber. It maps your cyber.

The idea is to hook a device into an ethernet link as a bridge, and, through a connected display device, visualize the connections passing through on a map. The intermediate device itself does not need an IP address on the monitored network.

use python2.7 or pyrhon 3


pip install python-geoip

pip install python-geoip-geolite2

pip install IPy

you need root for promiscious mode:

sudo python ip_monitor.py -i <device>

if you are behind a NAT, you need to use -n so that the Private IP is replaced with the public IP of your ISP

add -s to start a local webbrowser for rendering (http://localhost:8080/world)

additionally (suggested) you can install matplotlib, python-mpltoolkits.basemap and use basemap/map.py:

basemap map client

or get marble.kde.org and qt and compile the yacm-marble viewer in the "marble" subdirectory. if no lines show up, please use marble 16.12 or older, or any version after d1c9bb096f52 (2017-06-26@21:00), or apply this patch: https://phabricator.kde.org/D6072

marble map client


Yet Another Cyber MAp


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