HPaulson / CaptureShare

CaptureShare is a file uploading service that features an API for uploading files, screenshots, and other content using POST requests, with a dashboard for managing your content!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CaptureShare CI CodeFactor

CaptureShare: Your home for file sharing.


  • REST API build using Express for uploading, getting, deleting, and managing files

  • Support for POST upload requests from services such as ShareX and MagicCap

  • A beautiful dashboard built using Vue to provide a home for uploading, deleting, and managing files! (NOTE: The CaptureShare dashboard is currently a Work In Progress. Although it functions as expected, currently all features and styling has not yet been implemented)

  • Fast, efficient, and very easy to setup and use!

Getting Started


Installing CaptureShare

  • CapsureShare comes pre-built for easy install. For more information on building files to contribute, read the Contributing Guidelines.

  • Install the latest release of CaptureShare, named CaptureShare-VERSION

  • Extract the CaptureShare-VERSION.zip file

Configuring CaptureShare

  • In your project directory (Where you extracted the zip) you will find config.json. This file is where all of your settings and configuration will be setup

  • Edit config.json for the options you wish to use, which can be found below

Server Configuration: server

Server information for how CaptureShare will run
Type: Object
    "server": {
        "host": "https://google.com",
        "port": 80,
        "notAllowed": ["exe", "jar"],
        "mongoURL": "mongodb://localhost:27017/uploads",
        "useOriginalName": false,
        "nameLength": 3
Property Type Value Examples
host string The URL where CaptureShare will run - where files and content will be served "" "https://google.com"
port integer The port that the CaptureShare API will run on 3000
notAllowed string[] An array of not-allowed file types (extentions) ["exe", "jar"]
mongoURL string A MongoDB Connection string for the CaptureShare database to run on Community Server: "mongodb://" Atlas Cluster: "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<Cluster>-bjoiv.mongodb.net/<dbname>?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
useOriginalName boolean Wheather CaptureShare should use the original filename when uploading a file (Only reccomended when using the Dashboard to upload files) true false
nameLength boolean When useOriginalName is false, the length of the new generated file name true false

Users Configuration: users

Authorized users to use CaptureShare
Type: Array of Objects
    "users": [{
        "username": "user",
        "password": "1234567890"
      }, {
        "username": "user1",
         "password": "0987654321"
Property Type Value Examples
username string The user's username "user"
password string The user's password - Also used as authorization token "1234567890"

Webhook Configuration: webhook

Webhooks that will fire on specific events to log them
Type: Object
    "webhook": {
        "url": "https://canary.discordapp.com/api/webhooks/123456789/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",
        "username": "Upload Server",
        "avatar": "hhttps://www.google.com/images/logo.png",
        "events": {
            "fileUpload": "```md\n[Uploaded File]\n==============\n\n< SIZE   = {size}\n< TYPE   = {type}\n< FILE   = {file}\n\n< USER  = {user}```\n{link}",
            "fileDelete": "```md\n[Removed File]\n==============\n\n< SIZE   = {size}\n< TYPE   = {type}\n< FILE   = {file}\n\n< USER  = {user}```\n{link}"
Property Type Value Examples
url string The webhook URL to send log messages ti "https://canary.discordapp.com/api/webhooks/123456789/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
username string The username to send the webhook as "Upload Server"
events Object A string to send to the webhook when that event is fired "fileUpload": "A file was uploaded!", "fileDelete": "A file was removed!"

Events Configuration: webhook.events

Events that trigger webhook messages to fire
Type: Array of Objects
    "users": [{
        "username": "user",
        "password": "1234567890"
      }, {
        "username": "user1",
         "password": "0987654321"
Property Type Value Examples
fileUpload string Event fired when a new file is uploaded - Supports markdown "```md\n[Uploaded File]\n==============\n\n< SIZE = {size}\n< TYPE = {type}\n< FILE = {file}\n\n< USER = {user}```\n{link}"
fileDelete string Event fired when a new file is uploaded - Supports markdown "```md\n[Removed File]\n==============\n\n< SIZE = {size}\n< TYPE = {type}\n< FILE = {file}\n\n< USER = {user}```\n{link}"

Event Replacers

Replacers are used to insert file information into webhook events using curly braces
"```{type} {link}"
Property Type Value Examples
user string The name of the user that caused the event "{user}"
file string The name of the file that caused the event "{file}"
size string The size of the file that caused the event "{size}"
type string The type of the file that caused the event "{type}"
timestamp string The timestamp that caused the event "{timestamp}"
link string The link of the file "{link}"

Meta Configuration: meta

Website meta data
Type: Array of Objects
    "meta": {
        "title": "This is a title",
        "description": "This is a description",
        "name": "This is a name",
        "url": "https://google.com",
        "image": "https://www.google.com/images/logo.png",
        "thumbnail": "https://www.google.com/images/logo.png",
        "color": "000000"
Property Type Value Examples
title string The meta title "This is a title"
description string The meta description "This is a description"
name string The meta name "This is a name"
url string The meta URL "https://google.com"
image string The meta image "ttps://www.google.com/images/logo.png"
thumbnail string The meta thumbnail "ttps://www.google.com/images/logo.png"
color string The meta color in HEX "000000"

Running CaptureShare


Running CaptureShare using just node
  • In the project directory, run node index.js to start CaptureShare


Most likely you will need to keep CaptureShare running 24/7. For this, we reccomend using pm2
  • In the project directory: npm i pm2
Start CaptureShare:
  • In the project directory: pm2 start index.js

Serving CaptureShare

For serving CaptureShare, we reccomend using an Nginx Reverse Proxy.

Reccomended Config:
    listen 80;
    server_name google.com;

    location / {

        proxy_set_header   Host                 $host;
        proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP            $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For      $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto    $scheme;

Uploading Files to CaptureShare

Uploading files to CaptureShare can be done using a POST request


* = Requiered

Property Value
*Route https://[host]/api/upload
*Header authorization: [User Password]
*Header content-type: multipart/form-data
Header client: true(Provides more data used by the dashboard - Changes response payload)
*Image Body file


Type: Object
Property Value
url https://[host]/image.png

Client Response

Contains more data for the dashboard, when client header is true - Should not be used manually
Type: Object
Property Value Example
status HTTP Status Code 200
message HTTP Status message OK
data Database Data about the uploaded file [{staus: 200, message: "OK", data: {_id: "file.png", uploadedAt: "2020-06-09T01:33:52.814Z", user: "user", fileType: "image/png", fileSize: "186.968KB"}}]

Deleting Files from CaptureShare

Deleting files to CaptureShare can be done using a DELETE request


NOTE: Using "all" as the File ID will delete all files

* = Requiered

Property Value
*Route https://[host]/api/upload/[File ID]
*Header authorization: [User Password]


Type: Object
Property Value Example
status HTTP Status Code 200
message HTTP Status message OK
data Empty Array []

Getting Files from CaptureShare

Getting files to CaptureShare can be done using a GET request


* = Requiered

Property Value
*Route https://[host]/api/upload/
*Header authorization: [User Password]


Type: Object
Property Value Example
status HTTP Status Code 200
message HTTP Status message OK
data Array containing database objects for all uploaded files [{staus: 200, message: "OK", data: {_id: "file.png", uploadedAt: "2020-06-09T01:33:52.814Z", user: "user", fileType: "image/png", fileSize: "186.968KB"}}]


Want to contribute? Please head over to our Contributing Guidelines to learn more!


CaptureShare is a file uploading service that features an API for uploading files, screenshots, and other content using POST requests, with a dashboard for managing your content!

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:TypeScript 56.5%Language:Vue 37.4%Language:JavaScript 3.9%Language:HTML 2.2%