HMKnapp / taxi

TAXI - Translation Automation eXchange Interface

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TAXI - Proof of Concept

TAXI stands for Translation Automation eXchange Interface.



gem install bundler:2.1.4
bundle install


DEV_ENV=true bundle exec bin/taxi --help

Setting the environment variable DEV_ENV will load .env at startup.


Stages and Structure

There are 3 stages in the translation workflow:

  1. open: ready to be translated by the translation agency
  2. deploy: translated and ready to be deployed
  3. done: deployed in production

Overall file structure:

- user1/
  - 1_open/
  - 2_deploy/
  - 3_done/
- user2/
  - 1_open/
  - 2_deploy/
  - 3_done/

For each category, a folder in the format <name>-<from>-<to> has to be present:

- 1_open/
  - <name>-<from>-<to>-<date>/
  - wirecard-en_US-ru_RU-20200506/

So the complete identifier for a package is <name>-<from>-<to>-<date>, where the root folder open is the status.

Example Workflow

Using taxi, an example workflow would be:

  1. taxi package make
  2. taxi package translate
  3. Translation (or taxi package mv for testing purposes)
  4. taxi package deploy

You can use taxi package status all|open|deploy|done to check the status of packages.


package make

taxi package make <name> <path> [--bucket=<bucket>]


  • name: name of the package (free to choose any name)
  • path: path to the resources on S3 (results in s3://<bucket>/<path>)
  • OPTIONAL bucket: name of the bucket (Default: $AWS_DEFAULT_BUCKET)

package translate

taxi package translate <name> [<from>] <to> --agency=<agency>


  • name: name of the package (must match the name specified in package make)
  • OPTIONAL from: original language (Default: en_US)
  • to: target language (e.g. ru_RU)
  • agency: name of the agency which will get the translation package (AKA user name for SFTP)

package deploy

taxi package deploy <name> <path> [<from>] <to> [--bucket=<bucket>] --agency=<agency>


  • name: name of the package (must match the name specified in package make)
  • path: path to the resources on S3 (results in s3://<bucket>/<path>)
  • OPTIONAL from: original language (Default: en_US)
  • to: target language (e.g. ru_RU)
  • OPTIONAL bucket: name of the bucket (Default: $AWS_DEFAULT_BUCKET)
  • agency: name of the agency which translated the package (AKA user name for SFTP)


taxi package status <phase> --agency=<agency>


  • phase: one of open, deploy, done or all
  • agency: name of the agency (AKA user name for SFTP)

Dev Environment

This section describes the setup of a development environment.


Run once: Generate SSH keys for the users and setup folder structure

cd dev/

Start infrastructure

docker-compose -f dev/docker-compose.yml up

Stop infrastructure

docker-compose -f dev/docker-compose.yml down --remove-orphans


SFTP server

Login via Terminal, e.g. as agency2

sftp -P 2222 -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i dev/sftp-keys/agency2/rsa_key agency2@localhost

S3 Bucket Web Interface

Access the Administration Interface

open http://localhost:9000

S3 Bucket Webserver

Directly access files in your-bucket through the webserver

open http://localhost:8888/your-name/path/to/document


AWS CLI setup for minio, see The credentials that need to be used for aws configure --profile minio-admin are:

  • Access Key ID: minio
  • Secret Access Key: letmeinplease
  • Region: eu-central-1

The credentials that need to be used for aws configure --profile minio are:

  • Access Key ID: myuser
  • Secret Access Key: myuserletmein
  • Region: eu-central-1

Sample Configuration

Add to your ~/.aws/config

[profile minio]
region = eu-central-1
output = text
signature_version = s3v4

[profile minio-myuser]
source_profile = minio
region = eu-central-1
output = text

Add to your ~/.aws/credentials

aws_access_key_id = minio
aws_secret_access_key = letmeinplease

aws_access_key_id = myuser
aws_secret_access_key = myuserletmein

Once the AWS CLI has been configured, create a bucket:

  1. First, create a bucket
aws s3 --endpoint-url http://localhost:9000 --profile minio mb s3://mybucket
  1. Then, upload documents
aws s3 --endpoint-url http://localhost:9000 --profile minio cp /tmp/build/html s3://mybucket --recursive
  1. List the documents just created
aws s3 --endpoint-url http://localhost:9000 --profile minio ls s3://mybucket

Assume Role

Test the configuration:

aws --endpoint-url http://localhost:9000 --profile minio sts assume-role --role-arn arn:xxx:xxx:xxx:xxxx --role-session-name term_session --output json


At this point, both the SFTP server and the S3 clone are up and running. You may create more buckets and add more content at this point. taxi will use the environment variables specified in .env if DEV_ENV=1. These variables will set up taxi to use the local infrastructure from dev/docker-compose.yml.

Check the status of source code documentation by running:

bundle exec rake doc:suggest


  • SFTP: Add multiple users (via users.conf)
  • SFTP: Mount user config file for users, and generate the keys according to the user names in that config


TAXI - Translation Automation eXchange Interface


Language:Ruby 82.2%Language:Shell 17.8%