HKUST-Aerial-Robotics / DenseSurfelMapping

This is the open-source version of ICRA 2019 submission "Real-time Scalable Dense Surfel Mapping"

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I can't open the saved PLY file with CloudCompare. What is the reason?

hululuhu opened this issue · comments

I can't open the saved PLY file with CloudCompare. What is the reason?

The reason is that the PLY file is incompletely saved. Press crtl + c to exit the process and save the PLY file. Because the PLY file is large, the PLY file will be saved incompletely.

Are you pressing ctrl+c for many times before the saving finishes? Actually, I don't know any other methods to "save the map before quitting". Maybe adding a ROS SERVICE to save is a good option.

Just notice in my code, that it actually support saving PLY file when you publish a rostopic called "save_map" with string msg. Check the code here:

ros::Subscriber sub_save_map = nh.subscribe("save_map", 5000, &SurfelMap::save_map, &surfel_map);