HKUST-Aerial-Robotics / DenseSurfelMapping

This is the open-source version of ICRA 2019 submission "Real-time Scalable Dense Surfel Mapping"

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Have trouble in rviz the real-time map

XanxusCrypto opened this issue · comments

Thanks for sharing the mapping tool!
While I ran the Kitti00 dataset, it seemed like that the surfel-mapping thread worked normally, and I could observe colorful surfels in the debug-show window as shown in Fig 1. But when I turned on the Rviz launch file, some troubles was met.
Firstly the rivz file can not be read properly as I ran "rosrun rviz rviz path-to-rviz-file" in Fig 2 and 3, and the pointclouds were all colorful whether active or inactive (which should be gray as I watched other issues or the youtube video uploaded), finally the view point did not follow the camera motion. As I was not familar with the rviz options, would you plz share the right way to launch rviz?

2020-01-14 14-47-51屏幕截图
2020-01-14 14-47-26屏幕截图
2020-01-14 14-46-19屏幕截图

you can open the rviz without any config file and then load the config file in the rviz window.

you can open the rviz without any config file and then load the config file in the rviz window.

@WANG-KX 感谢您的回复!鉴于折腾了几天代码比较头疼这里直接用中文与你交流吧。
您给的KITTI00数据集我已经跑通了,上面提出的问题是由于rviz文件没法读入,所以只能手动录入了,感谢指导。然后这几天我想测试一下代码运行EuRoC数据集的效果,由于电脑没有GPU,所以没有用您分享的深度学习框架计算disparity image,用的是Ros里Dense_Stereo_Node的SGBM算法来得到双目disparity image,然后导入到建图算法中,大体框架如下:

Dense_Stereo_Node:Rosbag play EuRoC V101.bag,输出双目图像和disparity image
ORB_SLAM2: 接受双目图像,输出path,pose和回环时间戳
Surfel_Mapping: 接受左目和disparity image,path,pose和回环时间戳,运行程序建图。

cannot find the reference keyframe! time difference > 1000000000... 可能是因为rosbag play时间戳的问题,报错一次之后后面ORB_SLAM2程序是正常运行的,所以稍微调试后也没继续管。

Surfel_Mapping我是在rosbag play前打开的,但是输出后会各种报错,一些常见的log如图一所示。

通过输出KITTI00数据集学习出的深度值和Dense_Stereo_Node匹配出的视差转成深度,可见数量级相差很远。KITTI00 depth image像素点深度值在几千到几万。
而双目匹配恢复出的深度值量级很小,基本相差了四五个数量级,我乘以100000后显示如图二所示,已经转成了cv::MAT 32FC1格式。
所以我想首先解决深度图的问题。通过MVDepthNet训练出的disparity image需要rescale吗?我看代码,计算出local_surfel后再与near_distance和far_distance比较(代码给出是0.5m和30m,rviz来看kitti街道宽度也差不多是10m尺度),所以双目匹配恢复出的深度如何scale呢?还望指教。

2020-01-17 18-14-29屏幕截图
2020-01-17 18-19-04屏幕截图



@qq1962572025 新打开一个terminal,输入rviz打开rviz,然后将global options里的Fixed Frame改成world,就可以正常接收显示发布的点云和路径信息了。