HG-Dev / RimWorld---LoveWillPrevail

A narrative mod for RimWorld, with the intention of creating scenes of heroism when pawns attempt to protect other pawns whom they are fond of.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A narrative mod for RimWorld, with the intention of creating scenes of heroism when pawns attempt to protect other pawns whom they are fond of.

OLD IDEAS A narrative test mod for RimWorld. Causes pawns with the "ninjaassassin4" backstory to receive a temporary buff just after drafting. 物語風で実験的なMODです。「忍者」という成年期の生い立ちのあるキャラクターに、徴兵される後一時的なブーストを与えます。

This may be developed into a more generalized mini-inspiration system where pawns receive stat percentage boosts in certain "desperate" conditions.

There exists an observing pawn, "Pawn." Pawn has another pawn with high social rating (above 80) or bonded animal, henceforth denoted as "Trigger," that has recently taken damage. Soon after the damage event in (1), the player changes Pawn's job to target an enemy that has recently damaged Trigger, or changes Pawn's job to rescue Trigger. Immediately after (2), Pawn's battle and medicinal skills are doubled, Pawn's movement capacity is multiplied by 1.75, and Pawn tires at twice or more the normal rate. Pawn's sleep need will hover around "extremely tired" so long as Trigger is still downed or being carried by Pawn. After Trigger is in position to be medically treated, Pawn's sleep resumes depleting normally, potentially resulting in collapse from exhaustion. Mod name: Love Will Prevail Inspiration: heroic love (悲壮な決意) Buff to social after rescued by someone with heroic love inspiration: Actual target -> Heroic rescue +25 勇敢な救出 Buff to social after rescuing Trigger (assuming Trigger is not an animal): Averted death +10


A narrative mod for RimWorld, with the intention of creating scenes of heroism when pawns attempt to protect other pawns whom they are fond of.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%