HAV0X1014 / KF3summary

A Java program to summarize the character and main stories of KF3 (Kemono Friends 3).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Java program to summarize the character and main stories of Kemono Friends 3.


Clone or download the repo.

Run gradlew shadowJar to compile the program into an executable JAR.

Get the JAR from build/libs/KF3summary-0.x-all.jar.


Obtain the story .prefab.json files from KF3.

Obtain a Google Gemini API key. You can get a free API key from https://aistudio.google.com/app/apikey .

Place the .prefab.json scenario files in a folder named in the same directory as the JAR. You should have folders named "another", "char", "event", "login", and "main".

Use java -jar KF3summary-0.x-all.jar to run the program. The program will generate the needed output folders and config file. Once the config.json file has been generated, put your Gemini API key where it says GeminiAPIKey. Do not edit PromptOverride.

The correct file and folder structure should look like this.

└── untranslated/

The summarization options are "main" for main story 1, "main2" for main story 2, "main3" for main story 3, "main4" for main story 4, "another" for Arai-san's story, "event" for events, and a specific character's story.

If you chose to summarize a character story, input the character ID for the character story you want to summarize. For example, 322 is Serval, 69 is Cheetah, 1 is Dhole. Enter the ID at the first prompt.

If you choose to summarize an event, enter "event" and then the ID of the event when prompted.

How it works

This works by putting the scenarios together in order, getting the relevant character names, parsing out only the dialog in a "name: text" format, saving the untranslated story, summarizing the untranslated story, and saving the summarized story to a file.

The summarizer AI used is Google Gemini 1.5 for its large context size. In the future, other AI services may be supported.

The summary prompt provided to the AI is as follows -

Create a complete summary for the following story: \n
- Respond only in English.\n
- The summary should be 5-8 paragraphs in length, and include all major events.\n
- Be thorough describing the events.\n
- Specify which characters are involved in each event.\n
- Use the characters' Japanese names when they are referred to.\n
- This story happens in the main story of Kemono Friends 3, where human girls with animal features go on adventures, and fight against Celliens.\n
\n\nSummarize the story, and respond in English.

To override the default prompt, enter your custom prompt in config.json. use \n for newlines.

Known issues

Only Gemini is supported.

Rarely, the AI will ignore the input dialog. This might be a fault on the AI's side. This hasn't happened in a while.

Obtaining the proper character .prefab.json scenarios is difficult.

The AI cannot get some names correct. It will often incorrectly name characters - i.e. calling Dhole "doll". To remediate the issue, I have added a section at the end of the summary that contains all untranslated names of characters involved in the summarized story.


A Java program to summarize the character and main stories of KF3 (Kemono Friends 3).


Language:Java 100.0%