HASEL-UZH / p.e.t.-calendar

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Productivity & Energy Task (P.E.T) calendar

This repository includes my Bachelor Thesis' program P.E.T. The program's main functionality are

  • calendar
  • data collection via self-assessment once an hour

More in depth explained: User is asked to specify how the last hour felt in terms of productivity and energy via self-assessment. This information is provided via Likert Scales that go from 1 (extremely low) to 7 (extremely high). The data is then displayed inside the calendar so that the user can now see at what point of the day they're the most/least energized. With this information, user may be able to schedule their week more efficiently and thus increasing their productivity directly or indirectly. Further, tasks are rated by user, again from 1 to 7, how demanding that task will be. That way, a mapping can take place between energy level and demanding level. For example, it'd be in user's interest to map a task with a demanding level of 5 to a time slot that has an energy level of 5 or more.

An auto-assign-button is provided to assign all tasks in pool automatically based on their demanding-level.

Note: The privious mentioned button is only available if tasks are in pool and if there's sufficient information about the user's energy pattern. Sufficient means: A minimum of 16 time slots with energy level data, on minimum of 2 days, are provided.


I used Electron, React, TypeScript, Tailwind and CSS/HTML. Main dependencies this program is relying on are but not limited to:

  • fullCalendar for the main calendar functionalities
  • victory for displaying data in a graph-style

Launch & Deployment

The program can be run via craco & concurrently. Concurrently in this case makes sure that the development environment is booted not only in Electron but also on localhost in the web browser. npm was used to manage dependencies.


./npm install

To look for any missing dependencies and if there are missing ones they will be installed


./npm run compile

Compiles electron files only, based on electron/tsconfig.json


./npm start

Compiles (important for electron) and starts the app in the development mode. It should start an Electron App. If needed, the program can also be found on this link: http:localhost:3000. If you apply edits in React, the page will automatically reload. Edits in Electron (electron.ts and preload.ts) need a re-start.


./npm run test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode. See the section about running tests for more information. Due to time limit I was not able to implement my own tests.


./npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder. This is a necessary step to distribute the app.


./npm run dist:win

Creates Windows Distribution of the app based on build setting in package.json. This distribution, .exe can be found in the (auto-created) folder dist.

./npm run dist:mac

Not yet implemented


  • Refactor Code
  • Implement Testing
  • Improve design
  • Improve overall experience

Authors and acknowledgment


  • Micha Eschmann


  • Anastasia Ruvimova & Alexander Lill // Supervisors
  • Thomas Fritz, Prof. Dr.


  • Copyright protected ©



Language:TypeScript 96.1%Language:CSS 2.8%Language:JavaScript 0.8%Language:HTML 0.3%