H3ld / RxSwift-MVVM-PoP

My protocol orientated Approach on MVVM using RxSwift

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My protocol orientated approach on MVVM using RxSwift


This will be the "final" ViewModelType

protocol RxViewModelType {
  // setting up the structs as typealiases 
  typealias Input = RxViewModelInputs
  typealias Output = RxViewModelOutputs
  typealias Dependencies = RxViewModelDependencies

  // forcing the inject the input and dependencies inside init
  init(input: Input, dependencies: Dependencies)

  // interface for communicating with the view
  var input: Input { get }
  var output: Output { get }
  var depencencies: Dependencies { get }

Dependency Injection:


Thats my ressource of different Default-Implentations of all fundamental Services / API-Wrappers, I will use in the project.

struct Injector {
  static let MapKitService: MapKitAPI = DefaultMapKitAPI()

protocol-extensions for the actual inject

By adopting a hasSomeService Protocol, an Object will gain access to the default Implementations described above.

protocol hasMapKitService { }

extension hasMapKitService { var MapKitService: 
  MapKitAPI { get { return Injector.MapKitService } } 


Protocols for inputs / outputs

My Protocols will later be adopted by structs

/// Input Interface
protocol RxViewModelInputType {
  var query: Driver<String> { get }
  var buttonTapped: Signal<()> { get }
  var cellTapped: Driver<(Int,Int)> { get }

/// Output Interface
protocol RxViewModelOutputType {
  var models: Driver<[AutoSuggestionsModel]> { get }
  var unbind: Signal<()> { get }

Protocol for dependency

The adopter of that RxViewModelDependencyType protocol, will automaticly have a referance on my Core Services

/// Dependency Interface
protocol RxViewModelDependencyType: hasMapKitService {}


Structs will adopt the protocols They define the typealias for my "final" ViewModel-Interace I use mostly use the Driver Trait for my ViewModels, because it's running on the main Thread and therefore good for UI related tasks.

// Auto adopts my dependencies
struct RxViewModelDependencies: RxViewModelDependencyType { }

// Output - RxSwift
struct RxViewModelOutputs: RxViewModelOutputType {
  let models: Driver<[AutoSuggestionsModel]>
  let unbind: Signal<()>

// Input - RxSwift
struct RxViewModelInputs: RxViewModelInputType {
	let query: Driver<String>
	let buttonTapped: Signal<()>
	let cellTapped: Driver<(Int,Int)>

How to contribute

Feel invited to share any thought! I'd appreciate any kind of constructive criticism!